Chapter 17

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I wake up in a dark room. Confused I try to stand up,only to see and that I'm tied down. Oh the irony! How am I so stupid?! I should have never taken that walk! There's not a doubt in my mind, Ive been taken by the creepy guy. I wonder what awaits me. Death? Sexual assault? Both? Surely, I'm not going to make it out of here easily. My surrounding are incredibly dark. Luckily I can just make out a door. However there are no windows. Either way I'm not getting away because I'm tied up. I fear this may be the end for me. Is kanye looking for me?? The irony. I was going to tell him I loved him tonight. And Francisco? Well that looks Luke a lost cause. Me and him had been talking a lot recently. I was happy, I am happy. Even lying in this bed facing a almost certain horrible death at the hands of a serial killer, I realize I'm grateful for what I have had. A dad, who although has not been in my life that much, has loved me unconditionally. A mother who turned her life around to keep me safe. A best friend who would die for me. And a boy who made me feel special.

Soon I hear foot falls ascending the stairs. I know what's about to happen. He will come and he will kill me. He will bury my corpse (or what's left of it) in some shallow grave. I will rot. I will return to the soil, and I will nurture further life. I await my death calmly, because in actuality, its not quite the end.I wonder how many women have been killed i n this very room. I feel them in the air and in me. Telling me that I can get out. " quod tu es, ego fui, quad ego sum, tu eris". What you are, I once was.What I am you will become.

. The door opens and there he is. The source of my fear and torment. Suddenly I feel rage burning deep inside of me. I wont let him kill me. I have a plan. No matter how inspiration and true what I just said was, I know I have a chance. I won't be a victim again. I decide to play weak. I see him and he has a gun. I doubt he'll shoot me on the spot. He reaches down and unties me. His filthy hands touch my wrist and I am repulsed and want to burn them off. I envision blood off his hand smearing onto my wrist and I want to scream.

Once I'm untiedhe begins to talk I ignore him and begin my plan. I believe he's talking about what women have done to him or something like that. Literal physco path over here. "KNEEL" he yells and I do as told. He walks over to me and stands in front of me. I should be dead in a minute. But instead I bow my head to looks as if I give up. And when I hear prepare the gun I kick him in the balls. The gun flies to the floor in front of me and I grab it and stand up. By the time I have the gun he's back on his feet and coming after me He tackles me on the ground but he's still weak from what I did. I roll over on top of him with the gun in hand. I shoot him in the head. His blood is on me. On my face and hair, some even in my mouth. Standing up I spit on him. His blood leaving my mouth. I run upstairs to the kitchen rinse mymouth and try to find a phone. But there's only one thing on my mind

I just killed a man

A/N: this chapter is v inspirational

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