Chapter 23

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To be honest, the rest of the night is a blur. I do however remember picking myself up of the bathroom floor, and running out of the 7/11 as fast as possible and into my car. Jane of course followed right behind me, and continued to comfort me for another 20 minutes, before I could get my breathing at a steady pace. The leather seats were sticky against my skin during the hot summer night. "I'll be right back" Jane's says, and she exits the car and runs back into the 7/11. What the hek.

I don't have long to be confused because my mind starts to drift. I'm only 17! How on earth am I supposed to raise a child. How am I supposed to tell Francisco? How am I going to tell kanye and my mom?? If this gets out to the media there will be a frenzy.

Jane returns to the car shortly with a big slushie in her hands. " I figured this would calm you down" she passes the cup over to me. I can't stop the grateful smile that I shoot her way, I'm lucky to have her.

After I've downed about a quarter of the drink, I turn to Jane. "How am i going to tell Francisco?" My voice is laced with unease. "You can't hide it from him Olga, thats not fair to him. It's his child too. The sooner you tell him the better"

All I can do is nod. I start the car and head home.


Not to much longer later we are back at my house. We walk in to find Kanye in the kitchen. " Hey Olga , Hi Jane" we both mutter a quick hello back to him, and dash up the stairs before he can say anything else. "Olga I think you should go to bed" Jane says, literally pushing me onto the soft mattress. Almost instantly I'm asleep

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