Chapter 25

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The next morning I wake up with the worst headache imaginable. Awesome. I spend the next few minutes thinking of possible scenarios involving Francisco. Mainly that he will never talk to me again when he finds out I'm pregnant. And kanye? I don't even want to think about it. Both him and my mom will be upset beyond words, and I just can't dissapoint them like that. If the media hears about this, there will be a frenzy!!

My thoughts are cut short by the feeling of bile rising up. I rush to the bathroom as quick as I can. I somehow manage to make it to the toilet just in time, emptying my stomach of things I previously ate. I.hate.this.

My life just took one of the worst turns imaginable. Francisco will hate me! How on earth am I going to tell him? One things clear however. I can't keep this from him for long. I have to tell him soon. At that very moment, I receive a text from, you guessed it, Francisco, asking if I wanted to hang out with him today. I guess there's no better time than the present to tell him. If I'm going to be a single mother, I might as well prepare for it.

I shoot back a quick "yes" and asked him if we could just chill at my house. "Sure, I'll be there in 20 min:)"

Here goes nothing.

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