Chapter 22

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Me and Jane shortly pull up to a 7/11. "Olga, what the hell are we doing here?" Jane's demeanor matches mine, uneasy. " well I can't take the test at home, so I devised a plan b" Jane still looks confused. " Alrighttt"

As we opened the door into the 7/11, the chimes ring throughout the store, causing the teenaged cashier to look up at us. I saunter over to the slushie machine and get a large blue slushie. I walk back over to the counter and set it down. " so you like big things , huh?" The pizza face cashier says with a wink. " just ring me through" I reply annoyed. If it weren't for the situation, I would've toyed with the boys emotions, but now isn't the time for that.

After I pay I pull Jane Into the bathroom, where I begin to chug the slush puppy. I enter a stall and sit on the toilet, still chugging the icy drink, begging for something to happen.

15 minutes later and FINALLY I have to pee. " IM URINATING" I yell to Jane, who waits outside the stall, and has been complaining non-stop about my bladder issues. " HEK YA FINALLY"

After my peeing is all done, I unlock the stall and step out, to see Jane slumpped over against the wall. However, she immediately stands up when I walk out. "Now we wait" are the only words I manage to say. Jane pulls me into a big hug, and I keep wringing my hands together in anticipation and nervous-ness.

The next 10 minutes are possibly the longest 10 minutes of my life, and so when the timer on my phone goes off, I can't help but jump out of fear. I look to Jane scared, before I walk into the stall. What I see are 6 red lines in total staring back at me. I'm pregnant! Im so emotional at this point I start to cry hysterically. Jane rushes into the stall and wraps her arms around me yet again, except this one has so much more meaning. Jane just sit on the floor, hugging me and rocking me back and forth while I keep on crying. This is how I spend my Friday night, crying on the bathroom floor of a 7/11

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