Chapter 21

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Focusing after that was extremely difficult. I just couldnt get Francisco's sonorous voice out of my head, and the feeling of his hands on my fave off. After some much needed swooning time, my head finally was back in the place, and I immediately started feeling somber.I was 17! How on earth was o supposed to raise a child, when I was still a child myself?!

I retrieved the pregnancy tests out of my pants and went into the kitchen. I was shocked when I saw my mom standing there, so I had to quickly shove them back down my pants. Time for plan B. "Mom, I'm going out with Jane for a bit!" I knew my mom wouldn't question this, since Jane is practically her second child. " Alright sweetie, have fun! Try not to stay out too late though!" I smiled at my mom and left the kitchen. Actually, you know what? I was going to do this alone, but me and Jane have been way to distant lately, and I need her.

I quickly shoot Jane a text laced with urgency, and within the minute, I have a reply saying she'll be over ASAP. I pack my purse with everything one would need for what I was about to do, which consisted of the three pregnancy tests and my debit card. 5 minutes later Jane's outside my house. " oh my god Olga what's wrong!!" Clearly, Jane can read me like a book. " get into the car and I'll tell you". Jane, being the eager person that she is, runs to the car, and almost falls in. Im Trying not laugh, but accidentally let out an unnatractive snort instead, and let me tell you, if looks could kill I'd be dead.

I hurriedly enter the car, put my keys in the ignition, and begin to back out of the driveway. " So" Jane begins " what's wrong?" I steal a glance at her face to see she's already looking at me. Training my eyes back on the road I tell her " there's no easy way to say this, but I think I might be pregnant." "WHAT" Jane yells, making me swerve into the next lane, which luckily, was empty. " um yeah so if I am, it has to be Francisco's" I say nervously. " well have you taken a test yet?" Jane eyes me cautiously. I bite my lip " that's what were going to do now"

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