Chapter 20

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Francisco took me home, but not before he insisted we stop and the pharmacy to get me medicine. I persuaded him to stay in the car while I ran in, he agreed, but only on the condition that he would give me the money to purchase the medicine. I took the 20$ and ran into the CVS. I bought the cheapest bottle of medicine I could find, which was Advil, and used the remainding money to buy three pregnancy tests. I approached the register, " Did you find everything OK today?" Questioned the woman behind the counter, who appeared to be in her mid-forties and had stiff bleach blond hair with her roots showing. "Just fine" I smiled. She smiled back, that is until she started scanning my items, and then I got the dirtiest look imaginable. She finished scanning my items and simply stick her hand out for the money. After I paid she handed me over my bags , she was treating me like utter garbage. I just grabbed my bags and left without a word. Before I got to the care though, I shoved the pregnancy tests down my pants so Francisco wouldnt see them. "Got everything you need?" Francisco said as soon as I entered the car. All I did was smile at him. We rode in silence back to my house. And somehow along the way, Francisco's hand ended up on my thigh, and I had to focus really hard on not dying.

Finally, we reached my house. "Bye Francisco" I said as I excited the car. "Olga wait!" Francisco cried out before I could leave. "Yes?" I ducked my head back in the car, except I got no reply. Just two strong hands grabbing the sides of my face and a pair of lips on mine.

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