Chapter 16

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After my little bit of... Fun with Francisco, I decided to leave the party. It was a Sunday night anyways which means school in the morning ( what moron decided having parties on school nights was a good idea?!) and half of the student body are going to be hungover, myself included. Since I clearly can't drive home I decide to call a cab.

Luckily I make it home without a hitch. Also it appears that the house is empty. I still decide to be very quiet in case someone is asleep. I sigh a big sigh of relief when I make it into my room. I change into my pyjamas and take on my makeup. I've never felt happier to be in my own bed. I quickly fall asleep.

Ow.Ow.ow. I wasn't lying when I said I'd have a killer hangover. Sadly I have no choice but to go to school, unless I want to tell Kanye where I was last night, and I doubt that'll end well.

I manage to get ready just in time. I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen to find my mom and Kanye and the table with some papers. I grab and apple and kiss my mom on the cheek, and kiss Kanye on the head. I only get to see his shocked expression for a second before I reach the door. That was really the first display I've shown to Kanye ever.

Outside I'm greeted by Sebastian, the body guard who escorts me place ever since the creep started following me. However I haven't seen him since he was outside my window. " Sebastian" I ask with the sweetest voice possible, " is it ok if I walk home after school? By myself?" Sebastian looks like he about to say no "pleassseeee" I beg. Finally Sebastian gives in. We arrive at school around 5 minutes later. I wave goodbye to Sebastian as he takes my car back home. Sebastian is a cool dude.

The bell rings shortly after my arrival, but when I turn around from my locker Rebecca is standing there with her posse. "Attention whore" is the first thing to come out of her mouth. All I can do is roll my eyes at her stupidity. " First you fake getting run over by a train to get Brandons attention" ( I never did actually call him) "but when that doesn't work you get a body guard!!! Who the hell do you think you are!?!" You know what? I've had enough of Rebecca's torture " know what bitch!? Go to the hospital, check my medical records, I was actually hot by a train. Also I have a body guard because some dumb fuck is stalking me. You know you two would make a perfect couple!" I slam my locker and walk away. I'll admit, that comeback was weak but Rebecca looks dumb founded anyway.

I walk into geography with the dinosaur of a teacher and wait for class to begin. Today I decide to ignore Brandons stares, because I have my sights set on a new guy. Francisco.

When the end of the day rolls around I feel like I could burst. I walk is just what I need. I plug my headphones into my phone and put on Moon woman by homeshake and begin the walk home. My life has been so crazy since Kanye came around! I'm suddenly very distracted by some adorable little kids playing at the park. Next thing I know a bottle is smashed over my head and I'm pulled into a van. I black out.

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