chapter 2

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I wake up in my bed. It makes sense now! It was all a dream. And then I look around and see kanye standing in my room with my mom. They're both sitting awkwardly on the floor. OK so it DID make sense, until now.

Next thing I know I'm being harassed with questions by the both of them. Mostly I just hear " are you alright?!" But honestly, I try to drown them out. " um.. Yeah I'm OK" my mom looks visibly relieved " well kanye wants to take you shopping OK hunny?"  Awkwardly I nod my head

I quickly get dressed in some overalls and some converse and bead down stairs where kanye is waiting. Without a word he leads me to his matte black Lamborghini.

10 minutes after riding in silence I get the courage to ask him a question " why weren't you in my life if ur my dad?"

"Well" he begins " I'm not going to lie to you because I want a relationship built on trust." He pauses ( for what I assume is dramatic affect) " I meant your mom in a club. We were both a little tipsy and thing happened. I got her number but never texted her. Your Mom was a hooker at the time so she had no idea who your dad was. The minute she found out she was pregnant she went nursing school to provide a better life for you. I'm sorry"

I start to cry. My mom was a hooker and never told me? I'm glad she's a nurse now. KANYE looks at me with concern. He pulls the lambo over and hugs me " don't cry " he says in a effort to comfort me "you'll ruin the leather seats!" ...well then

Shortly after my small break down We pull into the mall parking lot. And I see ... Her

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