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I wake up again.. This time in a real hospital. Not in the creepy one that I was in before. I wake up and see kanye west and my mom standing above me. I start screaming " OH NY VUTT ITS KANYE WEST AHHHHHHhhhhhhhHHHHHH"

" Olga calm the butt down" kanye says. "How the hek do you know my name??" I say scardedly. " wait you really don't remember" says my mother. A doctor walks into the room followed by drake ( the most bootyful man I will ever meet) the doctor starts to talk. " Mr and Mrs West I am sorry to inform you that after running some tests we have come to the conclusion that Olga has excessive memory loss and she will never remember anything before the accident."


Bug buh buh

kanye west is my dad?!Where stories live. Discover now