cgapter 5

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The pancakes were delicious.  I ate 4. Drake would not stop looking at me. I was very uncomfortable. Why was drake even at our house. " me and drake r working on a new song." Says kanye. Makes sense Now I guess.

I look at the tkme. 7:00 " POOP NUGETS I GOTTA GET READY FOR SCHOOL" I dove one last big bite of pancakes in my mouth before rushing up the stairs and into my lucious room. Within the next 40 minutes I'm able to do my makeup, hair,and  get dressed.

I run back down stairs, pack a small much since the cafeteria food is gross and rush out the door. I make the short 10 min walk to school only to see my worst enemy Rebecca standing outside.

As I walk past her I hear her mutter I hear her mutter something vulgar under her breath. " what the butt did you just ask me" I ask. "I called you a whore" she simply states smugly. I had had enough of buttholiness. Before I know I punch her in the face. I quicklh pulled back by a pair of muscly arms. I look up to see one of the hottest boys I've seen in my life. " you've got a good hook." He says. " ummm thanks?" What the hek. " I know shes mean but you've  gotta control yourself or you'll get in trouble" he states. I stay silent.

Rebecca gets up off the ground. " it isn't over yet bitch" she says. I just smile smugly at her.

By 2nd period everyone heard what happened that morning. I got some smiles and some glares in the hall. I didn't see Rebecca the whoke day. I couldn't wait to get home.

The rest of the day drones on. Finally the bell rings. I walk to my locker only to see the hot guy from earlier. He moves over so I can have access to my locker. " so I was thinking we could hang out later" he says. " i don't even know you" I reply. "Well you could" and with that he passes me his number. Weird

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