chapter 26

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Francisco arrives alot sooner than he said he would, leaving me not only emotionally unprepared, but physically aswell. I mean, i might be telling him im pregnant with his child, but that doesnr mean im going to look like i mess while doing it.

As soon as i hear the door bell ring i quickly pull on a floral spaghetti strap dress and a black bralette before running down the stairs (fashioning my hair into a messy ponytail at the same time) and opening the door for francisco.

The second the door opens i am greeted with a chest in my face as Francisco pulls me into a hug. As soon as i pull away he gives me a chaste kiss on the lips before giving me a gooofy grin. " Your house is huge!" all i give is a small smile in response.

Wrapping his arm around me side francisco pulls me into him " so what do you want to do" he ask. I sigh, knowing that its now or never. " actually, can we talk in my room?" i anxiously wait for a response. "Of course"

I lead Francisco up to my room and direct him to sit on my bed. I immediatly begin pacing back and forth, rubbing my hands along my face. " Olga whats wrong"

You can do it Olga come on " I'm pregnant." the words come out of my mouth before i even have a chance fo think about it. I glance at Francisco to see him staring at the cream wall with a dazed look on his face. Immediatly i start nervous rambling. " it happened at the party i guess and i really like you and i just hope we can talk this out and figure it out and i mean my dad is loaded so we wont have any financial troubles and i mean-" my rambling is cut short when Francisco looks at me " i need some time to think olga"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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