Chatter 17

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Its been a week since I shot that man in the head. I think I'm starting to come to terms about what happened. He had killed other woman. It was self defense. Bit the fact that I took away his life still shocks me. I never thought I could do that, I had never even held a gun!

I hear three short taps on my bedroom door. My mom walks in. She looks stressed. The police have been questioning us non stop. Not to mention the countless news reporters stationed outside of our house. Amongst all this commotion, word also got out that kanye was my dad. The past week had been a mess.

"honey, I have to talk to you about something." My mom says as she sits at the foot of my bed. " I think we need to look into therapy for you. I've talked with some docters and it appears that you are experiencing some form of PTSD. They said that therapy might help."

What?! I suppose that therapy couldn't hurt. I nod my head yes at my mom. " by the way, a boy named Francisco called, he said he's coming over later". My mom winks at me and walks out.

kanye west is my dad?!Where stories live. Discover now