chapter 12

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Him, as in the hot guy by my locker from before the accident. Not the creepy guy whom I mistook for being hot. God damn I need my eyes checked. He's staring at me! Oh man I feel so uncomfortable! I quickly look away and find the seat the farthest from him as possible.

Our geography teacher Mrs. Thomas walks in. She's the crabbiest old swine to ever walk this earth. The moment she walks in the whole class goes quite. Its as if everyone holds their breath out of fear, not wanting to be noticed. I highly doubt she would be able to hear it though. She's got to be at least 86. Her boobs are so saggy. She eyes us all for a solid minute before slowly approaching the board. With her age, I fear for her life when she walks. Why is this woman not retired!

15 minutes into hearing the old hag drone on about rock formations I begin to feel the hot gaze of someone coming from my left. Confused I glance in the general direction of the stare only to find the source to be the hot guy. The eye contact doesn't last long before the dinosaur in the room begins to shriek (more like whisper if I'm going to be brutally honest, seriously this woman is sonold she could drop dead right here, right now) " Mr.Brandon If you are going to keep making poor miss Olga uncomfortable I want you out if my class. I suppose its important I am by far Mrs. Thomas's favorite student. Probably because I'm respectful, hand in my homework in time, and get decent grades. I only do that though because I'm scared that if I don't, shes going to cone haunt me when she's dead, which could be any second.

Brandon's ( I'm assuming that's his name) face goes extremely red from what I presume is embarrassment. Its a good colour on him. I can't help but feel my dace go a little red too. I also can't help but notice the jealous faces on half the girls faces here. I don't blame them. He's insanely gorgeous. Now that I think about it, Brandon does seem familiar. All the girls talk about how they want him. He's also pretty popular. But not the stereotypical douche. From what I can tell he's pretty nice, albeit he sleeps around alot, but with a face like that who wouldn't?!

I'm not sure how long I was lost in thought or how long that whole ordeal took because the bell just rang and half the kids have already left class....and my next class is on the other side of the school...shit

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