Chapter 2: Friends and Enemies

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The next morning, my first class was Herbology, with Professor Sprout. We had class with the second year Gryffindors, whom Slytherin hated. Everyone was supposed to replant a Mandrake Root. We had to wear earmuffs to block out their cry. A Gryffindor boy named Neville Longbottom fainted even with the earmuffs. My hearing is stronger than the normal human, so the earmuffs did nothing. The mandrake's cry pierced my eardrums like a knife and I almost fainted. My anger flared up so I held the root a little too hard.

"Ms. Sprout." I had to wave to get her attention with the earmuffs on.


"Umm, I think I killed it." Everyone stopped and stared at my now limp mandrake root. "Sorry, I guess I gripped it too hard." I wasn't sorry at all. I wanted that shrinking plant to die. Anything with that loud of a shriek should be killed.

"Well it happens, why don't we be done for the day. I'll go take Longbottom to the infirmary." Professor Sprout took him away and we repotted our mandrakes, all except my mandrake plant since I killed it.

After class Slytherin had Defense Against the Dark arts, also with Gryffindor. We had class with a professor called Gilderoy Lockhart, who seemed arrogant and stuck-up. I sat down next to Draco right as Pansy walked in. She glared at me and walked over.

"I always sit next to Draco, newbie. So move." She definitely liked him.

"Sorry," I said. "But Draco is the only person I know here. Besides he asked me to sit here" Tears started to form in her eyes.

"You will make an enemy of everyone in this school with that attitude." Pansy shrieked.

"I don't care about anyone in this school, and I've been alone for a while. Having enemies is no bother." She looked defeated and walked away.

"What was that about," Draco said.

"Well I have to take my aggression out on someone, she seems like the right person to pick on," I said. Draco did something unexpected. He laughed, quietly, but a laugh nonetheless. Along with that he gave a slight smile and shake of his head. Maybe he is starting to think of me less as an annoying American and more of an acquaintance.

During the entirety of the class, I could feel Pansy's icy stare on me. As long as she stays away from Draco we won't have a problem. I now realize why I like him so much, he reminds me of a past love who was unfortunately killed. He is the only person who I remotely care about at this school.

By the end of the class, I was fairly certain this Gilderoy Lockhart had no teaching credentials what-so-ever. He talks only of himself and his 'Accomplishments'. Not that I believe he did any of those. Our opening pop quiz was just various questions about himself and he set loose a bunch of cornish pixies, sorry Freshly caught Cornish pixies, in the class and we had to evacuate the room.

The rest of the day was quite boring, except for potions with Professor Severus Snape. I haven't seen Severus in a long time. He was tall and always wears black and he must be the person my mother and Pierre talked about, the one person who will help me survive in this school. He assigned us potion partners for the year, and to my dismay, I was paired with Blaise. I don't mind him, but he really sucked at potions.

After class, when no one was in the classroom, I went to go talk to him. "Hey Severus, It's been a while. I'm surprised you haven't starved to death."

"Miss I don't know who you are." His voice was just as dark and creepy as usual. "Please refer to me as a Professor Snape or Sir." He must not have been told of my arrival.

"What, you don't recognize me, that hurts. Well, I'm now in the same situation as you. So if you could direct me to where your food store is. That would be much appreciated."

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