Chapter 29: The Problem With Dating Royalty

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Astrid was nowhere in sight when I got back from Hogsmeade. She must still have been talking to Snape. It must be a serious conversation if it went on all day. I decided to just wait on the couches in the common room, which was nice since I walked around a lot today. I was having a great time just chilling until I heard my ex's unfortunate squeaky voice.

"Drakey, I noticed you weren't with the she-devil today." Pansy threw herself onto the couch next to me, sitting uncomfortably close. "Does that mean you broke up?" She grabbed my hands and leaned closer to my face. I sat back, trying to put distance between us.

"She... uh." I couldn't say she stayed behind for blood because that wouldn't take all day, and I couldn't tell Pansy about Snape. I struggled to come up with a believable lie.

"You did break up, didn't you?" Her lips curled into a hopeful smile. "I'm here for you, Drakey. I'll help you through this hard time." she hugged me. Just then Astrid came walking into the common room. Great, could I be in a worse situation right now? I pushed Pansy off of me, hoping Astrid didn't see.

She did. She was staring right at us. I prepared for a fight, no doubt Astrid would be furious. However, her gaze was distant as if she wasn't even looking at us. They were also red and puffy, she must have been crying. I got up and walked over to her. I could see her visibly tense as I neared.

"Astrid, what's wrong?" I reached for her hand, but she shied away from my touch. I was starting to get nervous. What went down today?

"Nothing." She inhaled. Her eyes told a different story though. They were hiding some sort of secret. A secret she wanted to tell but was too afraid to. She walked past me and headed to the stairs leading up to the dorms but I wasn't done with this conversation.

"Wait." I grabbed her hand and spun her back around to face me. "Something's wrong, you've been crying." Astrid shook free of my hand and wrapped her arms around her stomach. Clutching it tightly like she was going to be sick.

"See she wants to break up with you. She realizes this interspecies relationship is no good." Pansy chimed in.

"Leave Pansy, this is between me and Astrid," I growled at her, expecting Astrid to act the same way as me. But Astrid didn't even glare at Pansy, she stared at the floor with the same sad expression she entered the common room with.

"Come on Astrid, just get it over with. I'll stay back to make sure Draco is ok." Come on, please react angrily. Please tell Pansy off like you usually do, Astrid. She was starting to scare me with her attitude. It was so unlike her to be shy and sad. Especially when it was Pansy taunting her.

"Draco's right." She said sadly. "You should go." It was not her usual aggressive and assertive tone, but more of a plea to Pansy. I don't think even Pansy knew how to deal with this side of Astrid because she kind of blinked in confusion a few times then turned and left without another word. Right now it was Just me and Astrid in the common room. I stared at her, anticipating what she was going to say.

"Talk to me."

"I can't." She sounded like she was on the verge of tears, and she tightened her arms around her stomach.

"No, you said there would be no more secrets between us." My voice got gradually louder. I was angry at her for refusing to talk. "You obviously want to say something but won't." I walked over to her and grabbed her shoulders, staring into her eyes. "So tell me." I was mad, madder than I've ever been at Astrid.

For the first time, she looked afraid of me. Just then some Fifth-year Slytherins entered the common room. Both Astrid and I looked at them. They realized we were in an argument and turned to leave.

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