Chapter 16: A New Year At Hogwarts

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Once the train stopped everyone proceeded to get off. The rain was now a typhoon and as much as I loved the water, I hated being rained on. With one wave of my hand above my head the water parted and landed everywhere but around me. I got some jealous looks but I didn't care.

I also didn't care when I sat with Hermione in the great hall instead of the Slytherin table. The number of horrified stares I got was hilarious, and it was not just from the Gryffindors. All the houses were giving me looks. I smiled and waited with the Gryffindors patiently for the sorting ceremony.

After the sorting ceremony, Dumbledore gave his opening remarks then the food appeared on the table. I still wasn't that hungry from my summer binge, so I just grabbed some steak and nibbled at that.

I had a pleasant time until Snape's voice entered my head.

Princess, that is the wrong table. Snape's voice rang throughout my inner thoughts.

What's it to you? You told me to figure myself out. I am Astrid Ikari, The banished princess of Ravenshold waiting to go home. I am not a witch. I am not human. I shouted back in my head.

Well, I hate to rain on your parade, but we have guests visiting the castle this year. Revert to human form now or else. And do sit at the right table next time. His voice vanished and I was forced back to reality. I reluctantly reverted to human form.

"You alright?" Hermione asks.

"Yeah, I'm just wasting too much energy in that form. I'll need more blood the longer I remain in my vampire form." Her lips formed an O shape but no words came out. She went back to staring at her plate of food, but not eating. I wondered if I ruined her appetite.

I would never know because Dumbledore interrupted the feast to explain that we were hosting a tournament with the two closest Wizarding schools, Beauxbatons and Drumstrang. It was called the Triwizard Tournament and sounded both dangerous and fun. No one over seventeen could enter to represent the school, but by human standards, I was well over seventeen. I contemplated joining as I grabbed myself another piece of meat. He also introduced the new Defense Against the Dark arts teacher, Mad-eye Moody, whose look matched his name. One eye spun wildly in its socket.

After the feast came the part of the day I was dreading, returning to my common room. Which was nothing more than a room full of cobras and vipers like the royal court I grew up in. Only here I had no power against my peers. I was standing next to the door of the common room contemplating if anyone will give me trouble or not. My thinking was interrupted by a voice in the shadows.

"Is it so bad you can't even face our house?" I saw one of those vipers emerge from the shadows. His arms crossed and a sly smile on his face. Blaise. He grew up over the summer, he was now taller than me and was slightly more muscular than skinny. His dark skin and darker hair suited him. If I wasn't seething with rage I might have found him handsome.

"No, I'm just not quite ready to throw myself back into that den of snakes. But I guess some of them are determined to find me anywhere in the castle. What do you want Zabini, there is no audience to embarrass me in front of." It was true, the hallways were deserted since everyone had classes starting and they all went back to the common rooms after the feast. Blaise rubbed his neck nervously and I could smell guilt coming off of him.

"Yeah, I'm..I'm sorry about last year. I was wrong to treat you so harshly. I mean I'm sure it's not easy to be living here and not having the same freedoms you did in your home." I chuckled a dark twisted laugh.

"You're wrong. Slytherin is just like the royal courts of Ravenshold. I have to insult people to appear strong, be careful who I hang out with, and always appear in control. I left one den of snakes for another and it sickens me." I narrowed my eyes.

"I like to believe not everyone in Slytherin is evil." It was as much a plea as a statement.

"Evil no." I stepped closer to him. "Disturbed and twisted yes." I may not care about most of the humans here, but I've been given a chance to forget about Draco by hanging out with someone else. 

"Princess, I am one of those snakes you despise. Yet you stare at me with such intrigue. Have you forgotten your Prince so fast?" I flinched at the allusion to Draco.

"I was raised in a snake den. I have felt their bite and bite back." I placed my hand on Blaise's chest, a mischievous glint shining in both our eyes. "I also know how fun it is when two snakes find a spark between them."

I left Blaise in the hallway, a smile playing across my lips. I would need a distraction if I was to make it through the year without trying to get back together with Draco, or worse I could snap again and end up trying to kill someone else. 

The next day was the first day of classes. I've given up on ever understanding herbology so I skipped it the first hour. Next was Care of Magical Creatures. Hagrid was still our teacher, despite all of the trouble he got from the Malfoy family last year. Then it was Divination which I also skipped. On the way to dinner, I met up with Hermione, Ron, and Harry. I joined them just as Draco was insulting Ron's mother.

"She could lose a few pounds couldn't she." Draco sniggered, Crabbe and Goyle followed suit. As much as that was cruel, it was a good tactic to get under someone's skin. Go for their loved ones. I was both mad and impressed with his comment.

"Your mother always has a sour expression, is that natural or is that because she has to deal with you." Harry spat back at Draco. I coughed to hide my laugh.

"Don't insult my mother, Potter." Once Harry turned his back Draco pulled out his wand. A bright flash of white light flew past Harry's head. Draco was getting ready to cast another spell when Mad-eye Moody came yelling and running down the stairs.

Next thing I know a blond ferret is standing right where Draco was standing. Moody's wand is pointed in that direction. Everyone went still except Moody. Moody started bouncing the ferret in the air and continued to do this until Professor McGonagall stopped him by turning the ferret back into Draco.

Draco's hair was no longer combed to perfection but was sticking up in various directions as if he just got out of bed. He stood up frantically, his eyes darting around as he looked everywhere with nerves about him.

"My father will hear about this." He spat at Moody as Moody was reprimanding him for using transfiguration on a student.

"Oh yeah, I know your father boy, he is not so great." Moody threatened. Draco went running away. I had to stop myself from laughing out loud. I wanted to though, that was hilarious.

In the Great Hall, I had to sit at the Slytherin table per Snape's orders. The only person who has really talked to me since the incident was Blaise so I searched the table for him. I found him near the middle of the table. I walked over and placed my hand on the table, leaning in and smiling at him.

"Howdy, Zabini. Mind if I sit." He gave me a puzzling look but then nodded.

"You are being overly nice to me now, one apology is all it took?"

"Don't get me wrong, last year I was furious, but now..." I got some steak and put it on my plate. "Now it doesn't matter. Last year was rough because I was trying to belong here, but I don't belong here. Hermione keeps me from losing it, and you..." I eyed him curiously. "Well, can't hurt to have a little fun, can it?"

"I'm surprised you are saying stuff like that with Malfoy..." He looked down the table only to notice Crabbe and Goyle eating alone. "Where is Malfoy?"

"I dare say he is in his dorm getting over the embarrassment of being turned into a ferret." I laughed.

"What?" Blaise was laughing too.

"Moody turned him into a ferret because he was picking on Harry."

"I'm surprised you're laughing at that, It's almost as if you are happy with his pain."

"How dare you." My anger flared. As much as he hurt me, I would never want to hurt him. "I'm laughing at the irony. He hated me because I'm not human, now maybe he knew what it felt like." 

Blaise did not mention Draco again as we ate. It was nice to chat with him though. I could see myself becoming friends and even maybe more in the future. Probably just as a distraction but that was what I needed right now. 

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