Chapter 21: Dragon Blood

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Saturday came and every third year and above went to Hogsmeade. It would have been better if Hogsmeade was not as crowded, but I saw no sign of Draco or Pansy and it was nice to escape the stuffy castle for a while. Blaise and I walked into the Three Broomsticks, it was crowded like almost every seat was taken. I noticed Hermione working on something at a table alone, only two scents were coming from that direction, her and Harry. Blaise noticed Hermione too.

"She's your friend, we could keep her company." I was grateful Blaise was trying, but I could not see that going well.

"No it's fine, she's with..." I remembered Blaise did not know about the invisibility cloak, and I should probably keep that a secret. "...The thing she loves most, studying. I think it's best if we just go for a walk, away from people." All these people were making me anxious, especially since I haven't eaten since Halloween. I grabbed his hand and headed out to the woods just next to Hogsmeade. He didn't complain but laughed a little as I was probably way too happy to be away. We reached a point where we could not see the town anymore. I released his hand and took a deep breath, enjoying nature.

"You have a thing for the woods." Blaise leaned against a tree, arms folded, eyes watching me.

"Here, everything makes sense. There is no backstabbing, no manipulation, no petty squabbles. Everything flows. Grass grows, mice eat grass, then the owl eats the mice. No one complains, no one blames the other it is just the way it is. It's natural." I was crouching on the ground now admiring a caterpillar eating a leaf.

"I have a feeling that speech was more than just about the food chain." Blaise kicked off the tree and crouched right next to me.

"No one blames the owl for killing to live, but here, I am scrutinized and ostracized for surviving. It would be nice to not be hated by so many people, not be thought of as a threat." I held the caterpillar in my hand, letting it roam and explore.

"I don't blame you." Blaise placed a hand on my shoulder. I let the caterpillar crawl back onto the grass and stood up. Blaise followed.

"So you and Hermione don't think I'm a monster, that's great, but everyone else. I can smell their fear when I walk by or talk with people. I've stopped reading minds because all I can hear is 'She's a monster.' Or something along those lines." I sat down on a log. "Back in Ravenshold, at court, I never cared if people liked me, but here it is like if I am not liked I am a no one. I hate school."

"You and every other person," Blaise muttered and sat next to me. "I'm your distraction and Hermione keeps you sane right?" I nodded even though I'm starting to think neither of those things is true. "Do you think you can make it through till the end of the seventh year?"

"You'll have to step up your game, I nearly lost it today." I smiled a playful smile. Maybe flirting would help.

"Step up my game how?" Blaise slid closer to me. I smiled and took his face in my hands.

Blaise leaned forward and kissed me, I kissed back. Back in Ravenshold, I haven't had the chance to date around at all, or date at all for that matter. I welcomed getting to just kiss Blaise, and he wasn't too bad at it considering he was only fourteen.

We returned to Hogsmeade about an hour later. He had his arm around my waist and mine around his. We went to the Three Broomsticks again which had cleared out quite a bit and enjoyed a butterbeer and a good conversation, mostly about my life before Hogwarts.

Once we were back at Hogwarts, everyone dispersed to their houses for the evening. I did not want to go back yet as I had a great time with Blaise. I was holding his hand and started dragging him to one of my favorite places in the castle. The Astronomy Tower. "Hey, Princess, where are we going?" He said, straining to keep up with me.

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