Chapter 10: The Secrets Out!

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I walked back to the common room. I was glad it was so close to Snape's office because in the short walk I still got tons of strange looks from stragglers in the corridor. At the entrance to the common room, I heard voices on the other side.

"It's ok Drakey, I told you she was no good for you. I told you she was different." Pansy spoke in a consoling voice.

"She should have told me she is a bloody monster. For all I know she was by my side to one day eat me." Draco said. It hurt to hear him talk about me in that way. I thought about running, but I owed an explanation to Draco. I opened the door and every Slytherin in the common room turned to stare at me. Pansy was comforting Draco on the couches in the middle of the room. Pansy noticed me first. She sprang up from the couch.

"You shouldn't be here." She spat.

"And you shouldn't be alive," I growled and her eyes widened with fear. "Death threats aside, I'm here to talk to Draco. I owe him an explanation." With those words, Draco stood up and walked over to me. Holding his wand lazily at his side.

I tried to get into his head and read his thoughts to gauge the situation. But all my efforts were fruitless. I was well gifted in mind magic, it takes a lot to keep me out, but for some reason, his natural defenses were enough to best me. I would have to play this by ear. I glanced around the room. All the Slytherins were listening in, leaning closer to see what I would do.

"I'd like to speak to him alone," I speak just slightly louder and wave my hands to wave people away. The only three that remain are Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy. "That means you three as well." My patience was waning, fast.

"No, who knows what you are going to do. I need to make sure you don't kill my Drakey." Pansy says. My patience is just about up, I step closer to her, my eyes shifting to red.

"If you don't leave someone will die and it won't be Drakey." I drew the last word out. Pansy ran out faster than I thought humanly possible. I laughed quietly. "Those two can stay." I was now talking to Draco and motioned to Crabbe and Goyle. I turned to him, his grip on his wand got just a little tighter. "I'm not going to hurt you, you can put that away."

"You lied to me." His voice was shaking.

"No one was supposed to know."

"Still I should have." His voice was growing louder. "I could have helped you, or not have been so embarrassing with the whole heir of the Slytherin thing."

"Would you have helped me?" Tears threatened to fall from my eyes. I forced them back. "You know what I am now, and I can see you preparing to defend should I attack you."

"I don't know if you will or will not hurt me. Maybe it would have been easier if you told me right away. For all, I know you were fattening me up just to eat me."

"No, I wasn't. We don't do that." I could smell fear coming off of him. I hated the fact I was the cause of that fear. "Thinner people are better you know. Less cholesterol and sugar in the blood."

My comment did not help.

"So I was just right." Draco took a step back and raised his wand. "I am a thin person. So you were going to eat me."

"No, no I wasn't. And I was going to tell you. Last year when you found out I was not the Heir of Slytherin. I had no more lies and I felt bad enough as it was for lying. But I couldn't. I was too afraid to tell you." I slipped back into my British accent.

"And the lies. Was there anything you said that was true to me? You're not even American. Had nothing to do with the heir of Slytherin, and I doubt you have a sleepwalking condition. Do you even sleep?"

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