Chapter 30: The Third Task

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The next few weeks were perfect. After our fight in the owlery, Draco and I have spent nearly all our time together. Meals, classes, studying, he even comes with me to Snape's office when I need blood. Although I can tell that part still makes him slightly uncomfortable but I enjoyed he was making an e

It was, unfortunately, almost time for Herbology. Draco and I were walking hand in hand to the greenhouses. All was fine until Pansy had to open her mouth.

"Potter, have you split with your girlfriend. Why was she so upset today?" She taunted.

That's true, Hermione was rather upset at breakfast today. I was meaning to talk to her in class today about it, but she was not with Harry and Ron. I looked up at Draco, silently begging him to let me skip out on herbology to talk to Hermione.

"No, no. You said we would spend the rest of your time here together."

"She's my friend," I said, already moving towards Harry and Ron.

"Astrid." He would not let go of my hand. I continued walking. We reached where Harry and Ron were, still holding hands. Ron's face went red when he saw both of us. Harry looked shocked. And I could smell Draco's annoyance. I didn't care though.

"Harry, where is Hermione." I expected him to just answer but he crossed his arms and eyed Draco instead.

"Why should I tell you. You haven't been particularly nice to me lately and he hates Hermione." He motioned to Draco.

"Draco is only here because he is being a stubborn boyfriend right now. And you are going to tell where Hermione is because if you don't I'm going to dig it out of that brain of yours." I threatened.

"Just tell her," Ron whispered to Harry.

"She's in the infirmary. Someone pranked her by giving her a letter full of undiluted bubotuber pus." Harry stated. Draco snickered behind me. I turned to him.

"I'm going to go see her." He opened his mouth to protest. "Before you say anything, I hate herbology and this is an excuse to skip it, without getting in trouble." I gave him a quick kiss. "Love you, see you later." In the infirmary, Madam Pomphry was tending to Hermione's hand. She was wincing in pain every time Madam Pomphry touched her sores. I approached where she was. Hermione half smiled, half winced at me. I waited patiently by the side of the bed until Madam Pomphry was finished.

"Astrid, thank you for coming, but I'm fine. Honestly."

"I can smell emotion. You're sad and upset." Hermione started crying. I sat on the bed next to her and patted her shoulder comfortingly. She cried for several minutes before she calmed down enough to speak.

"It's the tournament and the press. They made me out to be some sort of... Like.. scandalous tramp, who is toying with famous wizards' emotions."

"I get it." I hugged her. "Public opinion sucks sometimes. Just remember they are just words and don't forget you can always defend yourself. Be strong Hermione, I won't always be here to comfort you." I thought about how I would be leaving soon and would have to leave her behind too.

"You sound like you're leaving?" She said through tears.

"I don't think I will be coming back to Hogwarts next year. My people may need me soon and I will have to go home. I just wanted to say goodbye to you before I don't have a chance to."

"Is everything ok?"

"I'm sure it will be. I just have responsibilities as the future ruler of the European vampires." Hermione looked even sadder now. "Hey, until I'm gone just let me know if you need me to beat anyone up for you."

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