Chapter 22: Hungover

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It took me a while to relax after my exchange with Astrid. I couldn't get past the fact she hugged me. I was definitely not expecting that and I was not expecting her to admit to making out with Blaise. I wanted an explanation for why she was acting so... Girly.  It was unlike her cold and assertive nature that I love so much. I waited on the couch of the common room for Blaise to return down the stairs. Once I saw his figure appear I stood and sauntered over to him.

"Zabini, what was up with Astrid?" I said directly but in a hushed tone so no one would overhear.

"Nothing," He hissed. I noticed him shove something in his bag. I reached for it and he slapped my hand away.

"What's in the bag? Did you give her something?" Dark thoughts began to swirl around in my head, I hoped I was wrong. "Are those drugs?" I whispered as there were others in the common room.

"No. We had a lovely time together today and she left our hang out happy. I know it's such a rare emotion on her, something you never made her feel, but I did." His cocky smile made me want to kill him. I refused to let him think he had won. I pushed him against the nearest wall I could find and pressed my arm across his collarbone and shoulders. He grunted in pain, but I was too angry to smile.

"What happened between you two? Why was she like that?" I said aggressively even though I wasn't quite sure I wanted to know the answer.

"I don't think it would be appropriate to tell you." Blaise's smile sent shivers down my spine. I pushed off causing him to grunt in pain again and pulled out my wand. At this point, we had attracted the attention of the entire common room, including the Prefect. He came rushing over, but my thoughts were consumed with what spells I could use to hurt Blaise. He implied that they did more than kiss and Astrid might not have been in her right mind.

"Do I need to get Professor Snape?" The Prefect said. Maybe the cruciatus curse? I might even be mad enough to kill him. Moody's lesson might have come in handy after all, but there were too many witnesses and I would surely go to Azkaban, and I couldn't go there. My family needs me here. I lowered my wand.

"No." I untensed my shoulders and retreated to my dorm to sleep. No doubt Blaise took this as a win, but this was just a battle. The war is not over yet.

Astrid was nowhere to be seen for all of the morning the next day. Even Blaise didn't know where she was. I was with him, Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle at lunch before double potions with Snape. Snape would be furious if she missed that. The tensions were still high between me and Blaise, however, and neither of us wanted to work together to find her.

We entered double potions hoping and praying that Astrid showed up. She did not. Snape didn't say anything for the first half of class, and I thought we might be in the clear. Maybe she talked with him before class or something. All of that hope was dowsed when Snape approached me while we were brewing today's assignment.

"Mr. Malfoy, Miss Ikari runs in your little social circle, so do tell me where she is?" His voice was terrifying when it was directed right at me. Usually, he was terrifying other people, I was one of his favorites.

"I don't know sir. You would do better to ask Blaise Zabini, he is her boyfriend." Snape narrowed his eyes. I realized that it came out snippy, I averted my gaze from Snape, as he sauntered over to Blaise, no doubt to ask the same question.

Once class was over I was packing to leave, and for once I did not want to be near Snape. He seemed extra on edge and moody lately, and I threw sass at him.

"Malfoy, Zabini stay." There was no room for question in his voice. Both of us approached his desk, wondering what else he wanted from us.

"Sir we already..." Blaise began.

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