Chapter 25: Nothing like an Awkward First Date

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While it was Christmas break, avoiding Blaise was easy. He also got a month of detention for assaulting me and was super pissed when he found out Draco was not getting expelled. Once classes resumed in January though, avoiding him was impossible as we had classes together. He was just lucky I was not allowed to rip his throat out.

It was Care of Magical Creatures but Hagrid was nowhere to be seen. As we approached the Forbidden Forest an elderly witch could be seen in front of Hagrid's hut, with an angry Harry asking loudly where Hagrid was. Draco chuckled softly.

The whole class walked to the edge of the forest and a bright white unicorn was tethered to a tree. All the other girls oohed and awed at its beauty. I oohed at the fact that unicorn blood was delicious.

"Boys you stay back, they prefer a woman's touch." All the girls stepped forward, but the teacher stopped me. "I was told not to let you near the unicorn either miss Ikari. Professor Snape told me you find unicorn blood delicious." My blood boiled, I wasn't going to eat it now. It was going to be after the class when everyone left. I turned and huffed back over to Draco. Most of the boys were shocked to see me get turned down and have to come back, but none dared get close to me. I couldn't blame them, I threw myself against the tree and fumed, crossing my arms and glaring at the teacher.

Draco was smirking at Harry as he read a crumpled article from the Daily Prophet. I figured this would be good, so I walked over as Harry started yelling at Draco.

"What do you mean we all hate Hagrid. And flobberworms don't even have teeth." He spat, waving his arms.

"That should end his teaching career. Parents aren't going to want him teaching classes." Draco laughed darkly at Harry. Harry noticed me and turned to me now, his anger still up.

"How can you date a git like this. I thought you were a friend, how can you accept his behavior."

"We all hate different people. I have no control over who Draco hates. And I'm friends with Hermione, not you. If Draco wants to torment you I'm the last person who should be telling him what to do." After the way I've acted, I felt I don't deserve to tell anyone how to live their lives.

"But you're his girlfriend, If you cared about Hermione, you wouldn't stand for this." Now he was making me angry.

"Why do you think I'm not near that unicorn?" My gaze turned deadly. Ron could be seen backing up behind Harry. "Come on, you two of all people should know the answer, think back to the second year." Harry looked around, then his brain seemed to connect the dots. His eyes went wide with fear, remembering the time they caught me feeding on a unicorn. Ron seemed to make the same connection as his face went as red as his hair. "No one is perfect, least of all me." I wrapped one arm around Draco. "I'm not condoning his actions, but I'm not condemning them either."

All week Draco continued to torture Harry. I did say I would not condemn the actions, but I was Hermione's friend, and Hermione was my friend. Saturday was a Hogsmeade visit and I was overjoyed to spend the day with Draco. We were on our way to Hogsmeade when I decided to bring this up.

"Hey, I know you don't like Harry, but he is Hermione's friend, who is also my friend." Draco did not know how to feel about my words. His face shifted through several emotions. "And I don't care what you say to him, but could you try to keep the insults to a minimum when I'm around," I asked, biting my lip nervously. Things were good between us, I didn't want to fight.

"And what's in it for me." Classic Slytherin, nothing is done without gain.

"An increased admiration for you from your girlfriend." I reached my hands up and pulled his face to mine, kissing him.

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