Chapter 5: Her New 'Boyfriend'

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A few weeks later Valintine's day rolled around with no new cases of petrification. Everyone was still on edge though, well, everyone except Lockhart who sent dwarfs dressed as cupids loose in the castle. Most people were not pleased with this.

I was walking past the now deserted Defense Against the Dark arts classroom, as Lockhart had gone... who knows where to probably make a fool of himself. I wanted to curl up in my bed and sleep for the rest of the day because all the singing dwarfs were getting on my nerves. That dream was crushed when I heard a noise to my left.

"Pssst. Astrid," Said a quiet rushed voice. I turn to my left and see a blond head poking out of the deserted classroom, looking around frantically to make sure no one was watching. I walked over and Draco forcefully pulled me into the classroom. "Astrid, I have to talk with you." Draco excitedly says, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"Are you ok, you're acting strange again?" I had a feeling this would be a long conversation so I put my books down on one of the tables.

"I think I know who you are."

There was no possible way he could know. I've covered all my tracks and lied about my strange habits. I mean unless he saw me in Snape's office drinking blood, but we always closed the door. I was at a loss for words. Draco comes close and takes both my hands in his, staring into my eyes intensely. 

"I can help you." Draco was dead serious.

"Draco, I don't think you understand what you are offering." What, was he going to offer his blood to me? I could hardly see Draco so humbly giving me the very thing that keeps him alive. "This is a life or death matter..." I scrambled to put my thoughts into words. Luckily someone walked in before I had to figure out how to explain myself. 

"Drakey." Came Pansy's small and timid voice. She gazed at our hands, still firmly clasped together. "Drakey, don't tell me you are confessing to her."

Great, now I had to deal with her too. I couldn't risk my secret getting out anymore. It was bad enough that Draco might know. And he might not even know, either! I decided to play along with Pansy's claim. It would be safer than exposing myself.  I released Draco's hands and fully turned towards Pansy.

"Way to ruin the moment Pansy." I looked over to Draco. "Draco, I'd love to go out with you." I gave him a flirtatious smile and to my luck, he smiled back.

"No, Draco, she is weird. There is something off about her." Pansy dropped her books and flailed her arms madly. Draco stepped to my side and took my free hand in his, it caught me a little off guard.

"She is smarter and more beautiful than you, pug-face. We're leaving since you ruined the mood with your incessant gibbering." He started walking, dragging me along. As we passed Pansy, Draco added. "Don't follow us if you know what's good for you." He spat.

Draco and I weaved our way through the castle corridors. Not going to lie, Draco telling Pansy off like that was impressive. I wasn't sure he would go along with the ruse that he confessed to me as we barely know each other, but I was wrong. As we made our way up the stairs to the Astronomy tower I couldn't help but think that maybe he could keep my secret.

"Hey, sorry about that," I apologized once we made it to the Astronomy tower. There were no classes up there as it was the middle of the day. "But she walked in on a private conversation and we needed a believable lie." 

"I think you and I will work well together." Draco grinned. If he knew what I was how was he so calm?

"About that, who do you think I am?" I needed to figure out just what Draco thought about me. 

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