Chapter 3: Dangerous Curiosity

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Blood.... I smelled blood. I haven't fed in a few weeks and my body ached for even just one drop of blood. The smell mesmerized me, beckoning me down the halls to the source.

I emerged on a scene of students crowded around Filch's cat hanging from the ceiling. However,  the blood I smelled was not the cat. This blood belonged to a human. I pushed my way to the front of the crowd and on the wall were large red letters. That was the blood I smelled. 

"Enemies of the heir beware, you'll be next mudbloods," Draco shouted, grinning wickedly. 

The smell worsened my hunger, and with so many bodies huddled together it would be a bloodbath. I felt my control slipping and my vampire side taking wanting out.  Before I completely lost it I turned and bolted down the corridor.

I sprinted to the other end of the castle and up to the astronomy tower since it was empty during the day. My eyes shifted to red and my fangs grew in my mouth. I managed to keep my hair from turning white, but I was breathing heavy and still had the insatiable urge to sink my fangs in the next available human. 

I wasn't calming down.

I had to feed, but if I killed a student there was no way I could return to Ravenshold. To my people. In a last-ditch effort, I brought my left wrist up to my mouth and bit down with my fangs, drawing blood. It was tasteless, but it did the trick. With the illusion that I was feeding, I shifted back into my human self. If this was the only way to stay in control I needed more blood. Snape may enjoy restricting my blood intake, but I needed more, and I had a plan to get some. 

Saturday morning came and it took all my effort to not maim and kill every student that passed me. I was sitting in the common room 'studying' and waiting for the common room to clear so I could sneak to Snape's office and steal some blood. I was keeping my head down when a figure carrying a broomstick came into my line of vision.

I look up and see Draco standing in his quidditch robes with his Nimbus two-thousand and one and a smug look on his face.

"So this was your plan, studying the day away." He looked down at my herbology notebook.

"Yeah I'm dreadful at herbology, and I'm not feeling too good today. Must have had too much to eat at dinner." I managed a chuckle.

"That's true you don't look too good. Probably best you rest." He waved and strode off.

"Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great." I waved back, he gave an 'of course, I'm awesome' smile and left the common room.

An hour later the common room had fully cleared. I closed my herbology notebook and left the common room to go to Snape's office. Luckily our common room was in the dungeons and so was Snape's office so it was a short walk.

The door was locked and I didn't have anything to pick the lock. I took out my wand, we learned an unlocking spell, but with the lack of nutrients, My brain struggled to focus.

"Anokomora," I said with authority. Nothing. "Asodomora." again, nothing. Ugh, what was it? "Alohomora." The lock unclicked and the door opened. Maybe a wand wasn't totally useless. I did not have much time to revel in my victory though as a shadow darkened the floor around me.

"Ahem, Miss Ikari." The voice was unmistakable, Snape. I turned to see both him and Lockhart staring at me.

"Professors, why aren't you at the quidditch match, it is such a beautiful day." I smiled innocently. Gilderoy looked just as clueless as usual, but Snape was frowning disapprovingly.

"And I could ask you the same question. Although a better question would be why are you breaking into my classroom."

"Well, I left my notebook in there yesterday, and instead of troubling you I figured I would fetch it myself." I couldn't say the real reason with Lockhart standing right next to Snape.

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