Chapter 9: A Werewolf and a Vampire Walk into a Classroom...

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Later in the day, we had Defense against the dark arts with Lupin. Great. The room was empty except for a cabinet in the middle, which was rattling violently. We gathered around when Lupin began to talk. Draco and I hung out in the back, leaning against the wall.

"Now who can tell me what a boggart is?" Lupin asked. Hermione raised her hand immediately and answered correctly like usual. 

"Correct Miss Granger, now get your wands out and repeat after me. Riddikulus." The class repeated the phrase.

Draco leaned and whispered in my ear. "This class is ridiculous." I chuckled, how right he was. I was no stranger to the Darks Arts as I was a creature of the dark. And I had extensive knowledge on how to defend myself from the Dark Arts too. 

The first one to go against the boggart was Neville. The boggart came out of the closet as Snape. Really, Neville, Snape is a softie once you get to know him. The class lined up and took turns defending against the boggart. Draco and I stay in the back, neither of us wanting to participate. Once Ron was up the boggart became a spider. I shrieked and buried my face into Draco's chest. Gosh, I hate spiders, always have and always will. 

Draco Laughed. "Guess I don't need to see what you are afraid of." He wrapped his good arm around me protectively. 

"Don't laugh, those things are demons from hell," I said still leaning into him. He held me tightly until the spider was gone. I resumed watching as a few more people went but stayed on high alert in case another spider appeared. Once it was Harry's turn the boggart became a dementor. Lupin threw himself in front of Harry and the boggart turned into a full moon. Not that I needed it, but this was proof that Lupin was a werewolf. Class ended after that, thank goodness. If I faced that boggart I feared my secret would be out. 

"How's the arm?" I asked Draco as we lounged on the common room couches sometime after classes. 

"It's perfectly fine now, but my Father is trying to get that creature killed for almost murdering me so I'm exaggerating the injury."

"To be fair you did provoke Buckbeak. Do you really think he should die? I thought the hippogriffs were beautiful creatures." 

"The thing tore my arm up, besides it will hurt Potter's sensitive nature when the creature is killed, I'd love to see that. My Father will make sure Buckbeak is put down. He has a lot of influence." He said matter of factly.

"Am I ever going to meet your family? I mean I know I'm muggle-born, but I could always lie." It would be nice to meet the people who raised Draco as that would be a normal dating activity. Since Draco does not know who I am I can have a sort of normal relationship with him. 

Draco shook his head. "No way, I'm positive even the American part of you will be enough for at least my Father to despise you."

The next day, back in Defense against the Dark Arts, we were still learning about boggarts. Draco and I leaned against the back wall again. Lupin said everyone has to face the boggart, and only about half the class went yesterday which explained why we were still learning about them. I was hoping to duck out of class before I had to go.

Halfway through class, I whispered to Draco "I'm going to get some air. I think I ate too much at breakfast." Right before I turned to leave, Pansy spoke up.

"Professor, sir. Astrid is being too noisy and I can't focus on what's happening." She states. I might reveal who I am before the boggart does if Pansy keeps talking. 

"Ah, yes. Miss Ikari, why don't you come to face the boggart next. In fact." He eyes Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle. "All four of you are going next since you are so insistent on talking and not paying attention in my class."

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