Chapter 27: She's Dead?

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The boats took us back to shore. Every single Gryffindor was congratulating Harry for being so heroic and saving that girl, who happened to be Fleur's sister. If only they knew the great Harry Potter was aided in his rescue by my girlfriend.

"Hey Draco, I need to talk to you." A thick Russian accent came from behind me. I turn to see Viktor and several other Drumstrang students.

"What?" I said slightly irritated. My vote was one Viktor to win, but that was seeming less hopeful with every task.

"You are back with Astrid now, right?"

"Yes," I said with an edge to my voice.

"She was in the water during the competition. I swam right past her." Astrid should have been more careful. If Viktor says anything she could get in serious trouble.

"Oh, she was just curious as to what was happening. Staring at the water for an hour didn't entertain her." Luckily Victor wasn't very smart, it was easy to lie to him.

"So she had nothing to do with Harry's astounding victory." He inquired, obviously not happy Harry got promoted to second place, even though he came in last.

"She had nothing to do with it." Viktor's shoulders fell. "Now I should get back to my common room."

In the Common room, Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise were huddled around one of the couches. Crabbe and Goyle had their mouths half-open. Blaise was crouched down, quietly shaking and talking to the person on the couch. As I approached the silhouette of Astrid becoming clearer, she was on the couch fast asleep.

"Is she dead?" Pansy squealed in the happiest tone imaginable. I rushed over and crouched by Blaise, pushing him away from Astrid quite forcefully as I still did not trust him near her. I felt her pulse. It was still there. Thank goodness.

"Get Snape." I point to Crabbe and Goyle. They shuffled out and I continued to shake Astrid. A moment later Snape came in and knelt next to me.

"What happened?" He directed the question at me, but Pansy opened her big mouth.

"Oh Blaise and I found her like this, she won't wake up. It's about time the she-devil takes a dirt nap." She smiled. I glared at her, Snape did one better.

"Detention, Miss Parkinson, for wishing death on your housemate." Pansy went stomping off. Snape took Astrid in his arms and headed towards the door. "Draco please come with me."

"I'm the one who found her though, shouldn't I go with you." Blaise was standing now. Snape's stare could melt stone, Blaise backed off immediately.

"You, Mr. Zabini, should be nowhere near her." He spoke slowly, warning Blaise not to press. I get what Blaise did was wrong but Snape was acting almost like a protective sibling to Astrid. We began walking. I expected us to go to the infirmary, but Snape took us to his classroom instead. He laid Astrid down on one of the empty tables then pointed to me.

"Close the door and lock it." I did as I was told. "Come here." He stood on one side of the table, and I the other. He looked me dead in the eye. I tensed, his gaze wasn't cold and stone-like, like usual. It was more concerning and demanding. "Did she use her magic recently?" My heart started beating faster. Snape was more terrifying than usual, but if I told him she helped Harry, she would get in more trouble.

"No." Keeping a steady voice proved difficult. Snape slammed his palms on the table and leaned forward. I flinched.

"Don't lie to me boy." I wasn't sure if I was sweating because I was stressed or if it was because the room seemed to grow warmer.

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