Chapter 28: A Promise for the Future

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I forgot how beautiful Lukas was. His blond hair and blue eyes, like the sun and the ocean in perfect Harmony. I noticed him holding a bottle of blood. It was nice of him to risk his life to come to see me in my room. Only I was in... a hospital bed?

Wait. My brain finally came back to reality with the rest of me. I was at Hogwarts in the wizarding world, not in Ravenshold at the castle. Draco was staring at me, eyes wide, mouth open, and a surprised expression on his face.

My brain also remembered what I said when I woke up. I bolted up into a sitting position. My hands flying up to my mouth as if I just cursed my mother and now realized the consequences. Draco and I stared at each other, neither of us knew what to say to the other. Finally, I spoke.

"I'm so sorry." I breathed, hoping he wasn't mad. He placed the bottle down and enveloped me in a hug. I must still be weak because his hug hurt more than it comforted me.

"I knew you couldn't be dead," Draco said in all seriousness, taking my head in his hands and pulling my face to his so he could kiss me. I wondered what he was talking about then remembered the second task.

"I used too much energy didn't I?" That's why I was in the infirmary and not in the dorm. That's also why it took me a while to remember I wasn't in Ravenshold.

"Yeah, Had your cousin and me worried sick." Draco scolded me.

"Wait, my cousin?"

"Yeah, that's right. I know now. Makes sense too, you and Snape have the same deadly glare and overdramatic mannerisms." I playfully shoved him in the shoulder.

"I should go see him, he'll be worried sick," I said, reaching for the bottle of blood. I took a big gulp then sealed it back up. I would drink the whole thing, but I think I might throw up then. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, hoping I had the strength to stand. I took a deep breath and slid off the edge of the bed until my feet hit the floor. Once standing they gave out and Draco had to catch me, wrapping one hand around my waist for support.

"You sure you want to stand so soon, maybe you should rest a bit?" He tried to guide me back to the bed.

"No, no. I should move around, and I shouldn't go back to sleep until I am well fed. At least two more bottles. If I rest now it could comatose me again. But I can't walk on my own." Even though it was to Draco, the words still left a bad taste in my mouth. For what felt like the fifth time this year I have been too weak to rely on my strength and have had to rely on humans. I hated myself for how bad I let my condition get this year. And now, coming out of a coma, I realized how much work it would take to get myself back on track.

Draco assisted me all the way down to Snape's office. Classes were over for the day so seeing him now shouldn't be an issue. Snape was in the back room. Draco insisted I sit in a chair, but I opted to lean on a table instead. Before Draco was even halfway to the back room, Snape was running out, his long black robes flowing behind him. His hug crushed my ribcage.

"Don't kill me." I manage to breathe out. Snape broke the hug and placed his hands on my shoulders staring me in the eye.

"You forced me to use my Rh-null blood supply, and you scared me half to death. What do you have to say for yourself."

"What no, 'glad you're alive' or 'thank goodness you're ok. Just go straight to your precious blood supply." I said as I uncorked the bottle of blood and took a sip, a smile playing across my lips. Snape smiled too.

"I'm glad you are ok." His voice was soft and gentle, and he hugged me again.

"Can you two go back to being Student and Teacher? This cousin thing is weirding me out." Draco chimed in. I completely forgot he was there. I looked up at Snape.

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