Chapter 26: The Second Task

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In February it was charms class on the day before the second task. We were learning summoning charms, which neither Draco nor I had any real interest in, so we just studied for our other classes. I overheard Ron, Harry, and Hermione talking about Snape and how they think he put Harry's name in the goblet of fire.

"He's evil," Ron argued. "Hey, Astrid." He called me. I turned reluctantly, not wanting to get roped into this conversation.

"Yes," I said through gritted teeth.

"You spend time with Snape for your... blood. He's evil isn't he?" Ron barked at me. I couldn't very well tell them Snape was my cousin, especially since Draco didn't even know that, but he wasn't evil. I feared there was no convincing Ron and Harry of that though.

"No comment," I said plainly and turned back to my book. Ron came around to the front of my desk, backing away slightly when both Draco and I glared at him.

"Come one, can't you give us a little more information. You must know more than all the rest of us."

"Ron." I stood up, motioning for him to come closer. When he did I grabbed him by the collar, barring my fangs at him. He gave a small yelp. "Here's some information for you, redheads bleed easily. Keep pressing and I'll prove it, K." I smiled, he nodded. I released him and he ran back to Harry and Hermione. I huffed as I sat down again. Draco stared at me with an unreadable expression.

"That was amazing." He praised me. "But why so defensive about Snape?"

"He's my supplier, I can't have there being any reason he would be fired." I lied and Draco could tell.

"That was way too defensive for it to be just because he supplies you with blood. I've only seen you threaten like that when it is involving you. I thought you weren't going to keep secrets anymore."

"It's not my secret to tell, you're just going to have to trust me," I said keeping eye contact so he knew I was serious. If Snape wanted to tell Draco he could, but it would be wrong of me to compromise Snape's secret without his permission.

"Ok, I trust you." I leaned over and kissed his cheek, breathing in his usual scent of green apples that I loved so much.

"I'm glad. Do you want to help me study herbology in the common room tonight," I whispered slightly seductively.

"Studying eh?" Draco's eyebrow raised in a questioning manner, and he placed his hands on my waist.

"Of course," I whispered as I leaned in to kiss him, not caring we were still in class. That was until Professor Flitwick spotted us.

"Miss Ikari, Mr. Malfoy, stop that right now!" He squealed. We separated, both of our faces turning red as the whole class was looking at us, now. I was still smiling though, and so was Draco.

Back in the common room, we did actually study herbology, but that was because I was hopeless at it. Draco was quizzing me on tentacula plants, laughing at every question I got wrong, which was most of them.

"Come on, we can't all be perfect at every subject," I whined. "Herbology is my worst subject, stop laughing." I tried to keep a straight face, but I ended up laughing too. "Ok, yes it's funny how pathetic I am at this subject, which is why we're done studying for the night." I shut the Herbology book.

"We are? but you're going to fail the upcoming quiz at this rate." I moved closer to him on the couch, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I like that you're concerned, but face it. I'm hopeless."

"Hopelessly in love with me?"

"Shut up." I grinned, as he leaned down and kissed me. We kissed for a while, forgetting everything around us until my stomach gurgled loudly.

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