Chapter 20: Relationships are Complicated

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Dumbledore sent us all back to our common rooms for the night. Whispers about how Harry entered had already started to circulate, and most were picturing him as the bad guy. The Slytherins were in a foul mood back in the common room, specifically Draco. He flung himself onto the couch and grumbled to anyone who would listen.

"How the hell did Potter get into the tournament? And Cedric is the actual champion? This is ludicrous. A Hufflepuff and a Gryffindor." Several Slytherin nodded in agreement. "I bet the cup favored him because he survived the stupid killing curse, and Dumbledore probably was showing favorites and took down the age line for him."

"I don't think you're right, Draco." I knew I would probably regret this, but I already opened my mouth. "Someone who could trick the cup like that is bound to be happy or even proud of their accomplishments. I could smell Harry's emotions. He was scared and confused." Never in a million years did I think I would be defending Harry Potter in front of Draco Malfoy.

"So now your attention shifts to Potter. Better watch out Zabini, she'll probably dump you within the week." And there was that regret I was talking about. I was tired and wanted to go to sleep.

"You sound jealous, Draco," I said.

"Of you?" he narrowed his eyes.

"Of everyone." I turned, hugged Blaise, and went to bed.

Once Monday came around and lessons resumed, the castle was full of crazy stories about how Harry got his name into the cup. None of these stories involved someone else putting his name in the cup, I almost felt bad. Harry was pretty ostracized and alone, and I knew what that was like. I figured I would start hanging more with Hermione and then, maybe I could befriend Harry and help him.

I joined Hermione, Harry, and Ron on their way to Care of Magical Creatures. Blaise decided not to come with me because Harry and them didn't like any other Slytherins but me, and even that was iffy. 

"Hey mind if I hang with you guys. " I waved cheerfully. Hermione waved back, Harry looked just tired of everything and Ron looked bitter.

"Of course." Hermione was always in a good mood, and it made me happier. That was until Ron started talking.

"Was it you who put Harry's name in the cup? We never did see what Name you wrote on that parchment. Did he pay you to get him in?" Ron's voice was laced with anger. Harry began walking faster to escape this conversation. I wanted to, too. If I wanted an interrogation I would have stuck with the Slytherins. 

"No, Ron, I did not. That was my name on the parchment, I wanted to be in the tournament." It was now just Ron and me. Hermione had caught up with Harry. 

"So you just told him how to get over the age line then. Is that it?" 

"You should hang with Draco. You two would make a lovely pair, wallowing in self-pity and jealousy." Ron was wearing thin on my last nerve.

"I would never hang out with that stupid git."

"Then watch your tone." I snapped. I was authoritative like I was reprimanding a guard or a maid at the palace. I could hear some of my mother's voice in my tone as well. "I have to deal with Draco's attitude in Slytherin, I don't want to deal with yours out here." I left Ron to think about what I said and caught up to Harry and Hermione.

We reached Hagrid's hut and so did the Slytherins, with that came Draco's attitude. He was out for blood. Harry's blood.

"Well if it isn't the champion." Draco drawled, approaching us. "My father and I have a bet. I think you won't last ten minutes in the first task. He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five." Draco Sneered, with Crabbe and Goyle laughing behind him, and Pansy smiling evilly at us. "And I see your new admirer is already cozying up to you." His eyes flickered to me.

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