Chapter 13: Lesson

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(Y/n)'s cheek throbbed as she banged her fist on the wood, pitch black surrounding her save for the small crack of light creeping in from under the door.

Hot, silent tears ran down her face as she repeatedly hit the door, hoping to irritate Katsuki enough with her banging that he couldn't ignore her.

But, ignore her is just what he did. Easily.

Katsuki had gone back to bed, and (Y/n)'s harsh bashing on the door sounded like measly little taps from his bedroom. He probably wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, not with the racket (Y/n) was making, but he was still going to rest his eyes for as long as he could.

"Katsuki!" (Y/n) shouted, her voice sounding much louder to herself as it reverberated off of the walls of the small closet. "Katsuki," (Y/n)'s previously bellowing voice quickly dulled into a pitiful whimper. She didn't know how long she'd been assaulting the door, but her fists were starting to feel achey and raw. She couldn't see them, but she knew they had to have been red and swollen from the repetitive impact. (Y/n) looked down at her palms through her tears, but there was nothing but darkness in front of her.

And beside her.

And behind her.


She was starting to feel dizzy. Not being able to see your own body was disorienting, and (Y/n) felt her lip start to quiver. The girl buried her face in her hands, leaning forward and curling her body into herself, this time making herself small on instinct instead of out of habit.

She weeped.


She cried until her cheeks felt raw and her chest felt empty. Her back was now resting against the door, her legs attempting to sprawl out in front of her, but her feet hit the back wall much sooner than she anticipated, leaving her in an uncomfortable position.

(Y/n) stared upward, trying to recognize as much of the closet as she could. Katsuki kept a few coats in here, but from what she had seen previously of this closet, she knew he also stored cleaning supplies on the shelf above her head, along with some other type of box she'd never seen the contents of. She reached a hand up, but her fingers were met with the wood of the shelf, unable to grab ahold of anything. She looked to the side where the coats were, her eyes having dilated enough by now that she can make out very vague shapes in the dark. The jackets made the small closet smell like Katsuki's cologne, and it was honestly giving her a headache.

Her mouth felt dry as she swallowed, lifting her knees so she could rest her head against them as she curled into herself, trying desperately to find comfort, but it was to no avail. She listened quietly as she heard Katsuki moving about the house, sounding like he was in the middle of cooking something. She couldn't tell what time it was, so she didn't know what meal he was working on, but she instantly felt her previously dry mouth begin to salivate at just the thought of Katsuki's cooking. She hadn't eaten since early yesterday morning, having forgotten dinner amongst the chaos that erupted as soon as she and Katsuki got home.

Her head perked as she heard Katsuki walk past the closet, making his way to the couch in the living room, the sound of his plate being placed on the coffee table. But, she didn't hear the clang of a second plate. The television was then turned on, and (Y/n) began to feel her empty stomach start to twist.

He wasn't going to feed her.


"Katsuki?" She called, sounding rather pathetic. It had to have been nighttime by now. "Katsuki, can you let me out, please?"

She didn't even know if Katsuki was anywhere around the closet, but her plea was neglected nonetheless.


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