Chapter 19: Oversimplify Us

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Uraraka dropped (Y/n) off in front of Katsuki's building soon after "lunch." The Zero Gravity Hero was worried about her ever since she asked for one of her pregnancy tests.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Uraraka asked just as (Y/n) was reaching to open the car door, her shopping bags sitting by her feet. (Y/n) seemed dull, her eyes vacant, and Uraraka was biting the inside of her cheek.

"I'm sure. Thanks for today," (Y/n) uttered, without so much as glancing at the other girl before she got out of the car. Her mind was fixated on the little pharmacy baggy hidden underneath all of her new clothes. She closed Uraraka's car door, but Uraraka rolled down the window.

"You have my number now! Let me know if you need anything else!" She hollered from the driver's seat. (Y/n) nodded.

She let out a sigh as she made her way back up to Katsuki's floor.


Uraraka was right; she did have her number now. She had Deku's as well. Both compacted into a second phone. She can put Mitsuki and Masaru's numbers in there, too.

Somehow, though, it didn't provide her with any comfort. Few things did anymore. Not the new phone. Not the new clothes. Not the silent humming of the elevator ascending to Katsuki's floor. Nothing had substance. Katsuki had substance, but there was a rotting fear in her. She doesn't remember the last time she felt relaxed. Every time Katsuki moves too quickly, she has to keep herself from flinching. Is this all there is for her? To be Katsuki's sex slave? Earn her freedom back by giving her body to him? (Y/n)'s face twisted, a sob threatening to spill in her rare moment of alone time, but she quickly took a deep breath and sighed instead.

If she wanted help, then why did she tell Deku she was safe with Katsuki?

Her head ached.

Suddenly, (Y/n) dropped her shopping bags and tote, crumbling to the floor of the elevator, letting out a bloodcurdling scream as she yanked at her hair. Her shriek bounced off the mirrored walls, sounding as if she was trapped in a chamber, and even though her lungs emptied rather quickly, she continued screaming. Tears formed, but they weren't shed as she kept her eyes shut tightly. She pulled at her scalp – the burn of yanking her hair reminded her she was real – before standing, frantic and glaring around at her reflection in the mirrored walls of the elevator. She began punching, kicking, screaming at each reflection, her frenzied state prohibiting her from doing any actual damage. She dropped once more, her forehead meeting the floor as she sobbed into her knees and pulled her hair harder.

When the elevator dinged, announcing the arrival to Katsuki's floor – the top floor – (Y/n) silently stayed in her position as the elevator doors slowly opened.

After a few moments, she calmly stood, smoothening her hair and brushing her new jeans off. She reached down to pick up her bags, the back of her other hand wiping her face. She checked her reflection once more. Messy. Suitable.

And with that, she left the elevator and continued on to Katsuki's.


Katsuki was vacuuming, glaring at the carpet. That was his normal face, though. (Y/n) quietly shut the door behind her, locking it and setting her bags down. Something in her sunk seeing him still here, but another part of her felt comforted by the familiarity of their now-shared home.

Katsuki glanced up at her before turning off the vacuum. "You been crying?" He stated plainly. He barely gave her new outfit a once over, as his attention was pulled by (Y/n)'s red eyes and swollen lips. (Y/n) huffed a sigh, reaching up to hook her tote on the coat hanger. She pulled Katsuki's credit card from her back pocket.

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