Chapter 9: Tender and Dependent

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Katsuki continued to avoid (Y/n) for three days, entrusting her to not try to escape whenever he left for work. He constantly checked the security feed out of habit while out, a small part of him hoping to accidentally stumble upon another view of (Y/n) pleasuring herself. Alas, he was rather unlucky with his timing. That, or if she was smart, she probably figured out by now there were cameras.

Not having contact with one another but still living under the same roof was effecting both of them in their own ways. For example, (Y/n) was given the opportunity to bathe and use the toilet by herself, which she somehow felt guilty for each time she limped over to the bathroom, feeling Katsuki's eyes glaring into her back, watching her, but not stopping her like he normally would. She didn't want to admit to him that she needed help changing some of her bandages; Katsuki wrapped them better than she did.

Katsuki was feeling restless. He was losing his temper more while at work, his anger that was once directed at (Y/n) now being directed at an innocent clerk. It felt weird for him not to speak in his own damn house. He also seemed... Slower? Distracted, perhaps. His attention was noticeably elsewhere while he was on the battlefield, his sidekicks and interns knowing better not to make a comment, but suggesting amongst themselves that maybe Ground Zero is having an off-day. Or, three off-days in a row. That definitely wasn't good for his ratings. However, Katsuki was petty enough to keep the grudge against (Y/n) up, and it really did fucking show in the way he would immediately leave a room she entered.

(Y/n)'s eyebrows furrowed as she watched Katsuki's back turn the corner of the hallway, leaving her sitting on the couch alone. What exactly was he trying to get out of this? (Y/n) crossed her arms, huffing and sinking into the couch, glaring at the TV. Somehow, someway Katsuki made himself quiet. It seemed impossible before, but apparently he could do it. There was no slamming, no yelling, not even cussing to himself. (Y/n) was anxious the first day, but now she's getting upset. No noise to fill the vacancy, making her realize Katsuki, the hot-tempered, egocentric narcissist, was her only companion at the moment. The lack of his usual natural loudness emphasized just how silent the house was now. It's making a heartless house seem so much colder than it already is. She feels the need to cry or scream, something, just to get his attention, to make him just look at her!

Are they fighting right now? Is this what a proper fight between a couple looks like?

No, what is she saying? They're not a couple. He's insane. (Y/n)'s eyes flickered to look at Katsuki in the kitchen, who was contemplating what he should snack on.

Did she prefer the screaming and fighting to the silence? It sure felt like it. Why won't he look at me? Please, look at me. Katsuki made his way through the kitchen, and not once did he acknowledge her presence in the other room.

(Y/n)'s hands grasped the fabric of the couch and clenched her teeth out of a boiled frustration. "Why do you keep me here just for you to ignore me?!" (Y/n) suddenly shouted at him. Katsuki didn't even flinch as he reached for a bag of chips.


Nothing. He began to walk in the other direction. (Y/n) felt tears prick her eyes.

"Katsuki, I want to leave—!" It was her go-to statement at this point. She wants the fight, the attention. It was better than nothing at all to her. Please. Please. She saw him walk towards his at-home office.

"Talk to me, or I'll leave!" Katsuki closed the door — gently, not slamming it. (Y/n) crumpled, holding her face in her hands.


That night, 11:49 PM of the third night of a silent house, Katsuki caved.

He'd been feeling off ever since he'd been avoiding her, making his anxiety run rampant. It was the same shit his mom used to do to him when she was upset with him and wouldn't tell him why. He shook his head, suddenly feeling guilty for carrying on the tradition and making (Y/n) face the same treatment he had. He clenched his jaw and stared at the closed door of his office, boxing him in, giving him the privacy he didn't even want. Should he apologize? His fingers tapped impatiently on the keys of his laptop as he thought, not pressing hard enough to actually type anything. It wouldn't make any sense for him to apologize, though. She wanted to be left alone, so that's what she got!

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