Chaper 16: Counter for Two

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(Y/n) couldn't see who was at the door from her place on the couch, but she heard their voices clearly. Her eyes widened as she quietly watched Katsuki's back, waiting for him to do something.

Katsuki leaned against the doorframe, staring with a rather bored expression at the two police. The cops' gazes shifted from behind the hero, finally making eye contact with the man stood in front of them before they both froze.


"Ground Zero...," the other cop finished for his partner, looking just as petrified.

Katsuki's reputation precedes him, and while Katsuki hadn't yet said a word, his towering presence and piercing, almost oppressive, crimson stare had the two policemen zipping their lips as if they were waiting for his command. That's what they do, right — the police? Police are always the ones to take villains into custody after the job is already done, while heroes were responsible for the capturing; only one of them gets their hands dirty. Police easily fell into the role of catering towards traffic violations and civilian disputes, their primary job being to work alongside heroes if ever need be.

Under heroes' orders.

So, what are they to do if their potential target is now a hero himself? This had to have been a mistake. Though Officer Ota double and triple-checked the address he had written down, and it was correct. A prank call, then? They certainly couldn't back out now.

Katsuki read the room rather quickly, a gift he used well when he knew he had to. "What's the suspicious activity?"

"I—," Officer Ito clambered but tried to maintain his composure in the name of professionalism. "We just wanted to make sure everyone here was safe, Mr. Ground Zero." Formalities weren't necessary, he knew that, and Katsuki didn't seem to care as he leaned back slightly to take a peek at (Y/n), making sure she was still on the couch. She was watching, but she nestled further into her blanket when Katsuki looked at her.

"Is there anyone else at this address, sir?" Officer Ota asked, his voice steadier and older than Ito's, but as he began to write a few notes down on his pad, Katsuki saw the slight shake in his hand.

"Yeah, my girlfriend," Katsuki replied casually.

"May we come inside?" Ota looked up to meet Katsuki's eye, and the hero looked unimpressed. Katsuki stepped back and gestured lazily for them to come in.

"Be my guest."


(Y/n) stayed cuddled on the couch, her eyes glued to the television. Nothing was registering but the sound of the police officers' boots walking through the penthouse, examining Katsuki's living space, making her glance at them every few seconds.

"You live quite lavishly, sir," she heard one of them say with a chuckle. They were trying to make small talk, it seemed, but (Y/n) only heard Katsuki reply with a hum.

Katsuki leaned against the doorframe in the kitchen, watching the officers and his eyes briefly shifting to (Y/n) periodically. He wasn't talking, but (Y/n) could tell by how he was licking and biting his bottom lip that he was getting increasingly upset to have his privacy invaded like this.

"How are you, ma'am?" The younger cop suddenly asked (Y/n) when he noticed her. (Y/n) glanced at Katsuki, who was only yawning and running a hand through his hair. It was around 11 PM, and he'd just gotten off from work; of course, he was tired. Though, she didn't want to think about the 'discussion' they would have once this was all over.

She quickly looked back at the policeman. "I'm good," she muttered. She wanted to cushion as much of her punishment as she could, and this was the only way she knew how. The officer smiled and nodded before turning to his partner, who just returned from another room.

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