Chapter 4: A New Normal

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As Katsuki turned to leave her alone in the room again, (Y/n) began to feel... funny. While her stomach now held food in it, and her general strength was returning, she noticed that her eyelids were becoming rather heavy.

He drugged her. A muscle relaxer. Or a sedative.

Her body began to go limp on its own, and she glared at Katsuki's back before he closed the door behind him, carrying the empty dishes back to the kitchen.

A few minutes passed before he returned with empty hands. (Y/n) couldn't have known what drug he put in her food, but it wasn't one that knocked her out right away. Rather, she was steadily losing feeling in her limbs, from her fingertips to her toes, her neck even beginning to have trouble staying upright.

Katsuki came over to her lame form and began to unlock her restraints with their designated key. As she felt the tightness around her arms release one-by-one, she would have normally took the opportunity to try and strangle her captor.

Alas, she couldn't move her arms.

Katsuki shed a small smile, probably noticing the disappointment and fear on (Y/n)'s face.

He took her arms and threw them over his shoulders, each of her limp appendages flopping across him, and lifted her up. Her body felt heavier than before as the drug took effect, causing her to feel almost like dead weight as he wrapped her legs around his waist. As he turned and began to walk to the master bathroom, (Y/n) watched over his shoulder as they left Katsuki's bedroom. She was embarrassed to be carried this way by the pro hero, feeling herself shift in his arms each time he took a step. She was growing sleepier and sleepier, but she jolted awake at the sound of Katsuki opening a door.

They were back in the bathroom (Y/n) had first attacked him in. It seemed the same. Still much too cold. Still obnoxiously marble. Almost like Katsuki just needed to flex his wealth a little more, as if the Rolex around his wrist didn't do that enough.

Katsuki closed the bathroom door behind them before bending down to place (Y/n) on the toilet, much like the start of their first scuffle. (Y/n), recalling this, ironically began to cling to Katsuki out of anxiety, not wanting to give him the opportunity to hurt her again.

"No... No..!" (Y/n) tried to whine, finding herself yet again in a predicament where her body isn't cooperating to its fullest potential. Katsuki easily ignored her attempts and set her on the open toilet seat.

"Stop. Get off of me," he moved to pull (Y/n)'s pants and underwear down, making her gasp and weakly push him away. He caught her hands and gave her a stern look, "Stop it. You have to go to the bathroom, don't you?"

(Y/n) paused and looked at him. She did. She's been holding it for three days now. She thought her bladder was going to burst, and Lord only knows how she was even able to hold in everything else.

As soon as she opened her mouth to tell him to turn around when he finished pulling her pants down, her body began to urinate instinctively. Katsuki stared, sat in a squat in front of her, while (Y/n) did everything she could to avoid eye contact, ashamed. The only sound in the room was the echo of (Y/n)'s piss reverberating off the porcelain walls of the toilet. Long streams turned into a drizzle and then nothing, but still Katsuki waited. (Y/n) finally met his eyes.

"What?" She asked after a few seconds, her eyelids beginning to droop from the muscle relaxer. Though, a glare still evident.

"Don't you have to shit?"

(Y/n) stiffened. "No."

"You better go now. You won't get another chance for a while," it was a threat. She didn't know how true it was, but from what she's seen so far of Katsuki, she'd be wise to take each of his threats to heart.

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