Chapter 6: A Date to Remember

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(Y/n) thought it was a joke.

It had to have been a joke. He had to be kidding, right?

For the umpteenth time (she stopped counting), (Y/n)'s prayers were unanswered. No surprise there. Instead, God showed himself in a new way - in the form of a tall, muscular, ash-blonde man that she had yet to find an escape from. He might as well be her God, right? He decides her meals. He decides where she sleeps. He decides when she bathes.

Right now, he's deciding what she'll wear.

He was uncharacteristically giddy about it, too. He held different dresses he bought earlier up to her body. Some were too raunchy, in her opinion, but others had more class. Not like he was going to ask what she thought, anyway. He was dressed nicely in slacks and a black button-up. He didn't button it up all of the way, though, which was something (Y/n) noticed he tends not to do. She didn't know why. Perhaps, it wasn't on-brand for him.

(Y/n) laid on the bed, bound by the wrists as per usual. Katsuki had also been kind enough to tightly wrap her shattered knee in medical bandages. Another one I'm gonna have to clean, he complained while tending to it. She shifted uncomfortably each time Katsuki held a dress up to her form and looked everywhere but directly at him. Just knowing his eyes were raking over her figure, taking her body in, made her want to curl up to prevent him from seeing further.

"You like red or black more?" Katsuki suddenly asked. (Y/n) was slightly taken aback, having not heard his voice for some time. So, he actually does want her opinion?


Katsuki rolled his eyes, "That's not one of the options. Red or black. Don't be difficult." He was trying to make this situation, this conversation normal. Both of them knew there was nothing normal about having her captor kneeling over her restrained body, trying to decide what to dress her up in as he takes her out for the first time in a month, almost like she were a doll on display. However, this was (Y/n)'s first time seeing the outside — seeing people — since being with Katsuki.

Fuck patience.

She would attempt her escape today.

(Y/n) played along with his game and finally answered him properly, "Black." Katsuki seemed pleased with that answer.

"I agree," he leaned forward, reaching for her cuffs. (Y/n) didn't miss how he swiftly pulled the key out of his pants pocket. She would remember that.

He unlocked her cuffs and stepped off of the bed, turning towards the closet. A stupid move on his part. Or was it?

"I'm gonna keep the other dresses, though. For the future," he said to her, but quieted his voice for the last part. (Y/n) wasn't paying attention. She was too busy looking at her hands. Her still-healing wrist was wrapped nice and tight, but she could move her hands freely. This wasn't a trap, was it? Had he done this by accident? No, she clearly just saw him consciously unlock the cuffs! She doesn't think she's ever been able to move on her own before in the bedroom...!

She quickly looked to Katsuki, who had his back to her as he hung up each of the rejected dresses. She glanced around the room for a weapon of some sort, something sharp. She could kick the mirrored wall beside her and use one of the broken pieces? No, that would take too long, and there's no telling if she even had the strength at the moment to do something like that. He knows she's too weak to do anything right now, is that it? He would undoubtedly notice before she even got a piece, anyway. (Y/n) anxiously kept looking back and forth around her. She noticed Katsuki deliberately kept pens and pencils out of his bedroom since (Y/n)'s arrival. It was almost as if she were a toddler, being kept out of reach of anything that might pose as a threat.

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