Chapter 15: Creamsicle

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A/N: Hi, everybody! I took a month long hiatus for the month of February in order to write something rather important, but I am back now! Thank you everyone for being so patient!

There is also some author's notes at the end of the chapter as well!

It's only natural to be drawn to others' body heat.

And, as soon as the elevator door closed, hands grabbed at anything they could reach, touch-starved and hungry. (Y/n) wrapped her arms around Katsuki's neck, pulling him down to her height with her hazy eyes focused on his lips, but Katsuki redirected himself, aiming for the soft flesh of her neck instead. (Y/n) would have been hurt at the deflection had a moan not bubbled up out of her throat at the feeling of Katsuki's tongue beneath her ear, the alcohol making her skin much more sensitive and warm than it needed to be. She gripped him fiercely, her fingers digging into the back of his dress shirt, forgetting all she went through that night because all she wanted now was him paying attention to her.


Kirishima made his way over to the group, exchanging knowing glances with everyone. Todoroki seemed unbothered and really much too invested in the finger food to notice the solemn atmosphere that arose once Katsuki and his date left the scene.

The Hardening Hero rubbed the back of his neck, his eyes lingering on Midoriya briefly. "So...," he began, not really sure what to even say at this point. Was this a situation they should really get involved in? It was Katsuki's private affair after all... They all know him well enough by now to not be surprised by his asshole-tendencies. Even when it did involve someone none of them were familiar with.

Midoriya seemed conflicted as well. With his natural instinct of heroism, he always felt a need to save everybody. But, did (Y/n) even really want to be saved? He couldn't tell, and especially not by the quick exchange of words they had, too little to be considered a conversation. He didn't know her at all, and if Katsuki's smart, he's probably going to keep it that way.


Once the elevator dinged and the sliding doors opened, (Y/n)'s dress was downright manhandled in every way possible, leaving her looking like a gaudy mess. The straps were ripped off, leaving her chest bare and exposed to the stale hallway air. It was almost a blur how they made it back to Katsuki's penthouse, but she remembers being lifted up and a stiff, clothed phallus pressing against her core.

It was a sloppy attempt at unlocking his front door, his teeth biting at (Y/n)'s shoulder and his fingers not wanting to leave her body long enough to put the key in. But he managed it, somehow, rather impatiently and with a furrowed brow, his canines sinking into (Y/n)'s skin a little too roughly, making her yelp. Katsuki kicked his front door closed behind him, reaching behind him to quickly lock it while he kept a mean grip on the plump skin of her ass. He then brought his other hand to rest in the crevice of (Y/n)'s neck. It wasn't a threat this time. He kissed lovingly at her cheek and jaw while he stepped out of his shoes and socks, reaching down to pull (Y/n)'s heels off as well. However, she only had one on, making him pull back and look curiously down at her feet.

"What?" She asked, breathless and hot, with her hands tangled in Katsuki's ashen hair.

"You must've lost a shoe," he mumbled with a slur before moving back up to kiss and nip at her collarbone.

(Y/n) hummed a reply. She pulled Katsuki's head closer to her and wrapped her legs tighter around his waist.


The event carried on with a ruined mood, it seemed. Midoriya sat with distress for the rest of the night, but Uraraka tried to cheer him up by offering alcohol. He had one or two drinks, but after that, he declined. Kirishima drank, but he was thinking over and over in his mind of the conversation he had with (Y/n).

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