Chapter 3: The First Nights

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(Y/n)'s body was rapidly getting weaker, and Katsuki noticed instantly. He put the first-aid away and moved toward her to lift her again, but the girl felt a natural urge to resist any effort he made to get close to her. She lifted her uninjured hand to push him away from her, albeit half-heartedly due to her fatigued state, but his reflexes were much more advanced than hers were, and he made sure it was known. He didn't want there to be any possibility of her potentially injuring him and flipping all of this around on him, even if the chance was very slight. He easily grabbed her wrist, gripping it with a silent threat that told her he's not opposed to breaking this one too.

(Y/n) looked at his hand grasping her wrist, feeling the callouses that hardened his palm. Years of battle and the use of his quirk had thickened his skin, and it was an abrupt difference from the soft flesh of her tiny wrist, which seemed much smaller now that his hand was wrapped around it yet again. He could easily scorch her in this moment with his quirk, but Katsuki was only watching her. He was waiting for her to make a choice, and he would decide then what her punishment should be.

Stupidly, she chose wrong.

She had put all hope in her limited fighting knowledge and did what she knew — try to kick him in the nuts with her unharmed foot. However, she took for granted the fact that the man she was attacking was a seasoned Pro-Hero, and he easily blocked her with a simple shift of his knee, almost like she wasn't a threat level above a pesky mosquito. Though, this caused his attention to shift briefly, and his grip on her wrist loosened, and (Y/n) took the opportunity to yank herself away from him, falling onto the cold, tiled floor. She let out a cry upon impact and realized almost immediately that simply standing up was going to be a challenge because, while her sprained ankle was wrapped up, the pain was starting to settle, and continuing to run on it back in the alleys definitely wasn't good for its prognosis.

Katsuki was slowly losing his patience again. He was really proud of his progress in restraining his temper over the years, but this woman was really fucking pushing it. He bent down to try to pick her up again, only for her to scream out and begin to flail underneath him. She flipped herself around so that she's facing him, and while her body was weak, she still found it in her to try and push Katsuki away from her.

"You're a fucking weirdo, w-what the fuck is—wrong with you—?!" She screamed at him through their tussling. It must have appeared that (Y/n) was only giving about 5% of effort, or Katsuki was going easy on her — very easy on her.

He's been able to safely carry terrified civilians out of fiery wrecks and villainous accidents, and even though his attitude has a bad reputation, he has never had anyone outright smack and kick his hands away when he's trying to grab them like (Y/n) is doing right now. A muscle twitched in Katsuki's lip, and he clenched his jaw to prevent from doing something he would regret later.

"You need to watch your fucking mouth—!" He grunted back at her through his teeth, trying to grab at both her hands and ankles. He was getting bored of this horseplay. Sure, it was fun when he needed to get adrenaline out of his system, but he's tired. He's got other shit to do. Katsuki saw a moment where (Y/n) left herself vulnerable for a split second between her weak punches and kicks and scooped her up into his arms. He cradled her, squeezing her tight enough that her flailing dwindled to uncomfortable wriggling, but (Y/n)'s former anger soon turned into tears. She continued to pound on his chest as hard as she could, which, admittedly, wasn't very hard at the moment. Through her tears, she wasn't able to clearly see her surroundings or see where he was taking her. The first mistake.

"You're going to be staying," Katsuki said to her, her crying paused long enough for him to get some words in. She heard him open a door. "Here."

He dropped her on the ground, and before (Y/n) could process where she was, she heard the door slam shut behind her. Pitch black surrounded her. Her pupils dilated, trying to find as much light in the space around her as possible, and her hands instinctively began patting the area, feeling for anything familiar that would tell her where she was. As her hands felt around the tight space, nothing of importance brushed against her fingertips, but she quickly realized she was inside of a closet of some sort. Perhaps a cupboard? She turned and pushed against the door. It didn't budge.

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