Chapter 8: Freedom Earned

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A/N: Hello! Sorry for the wait, life has been interesting lately as I start a new job on Monday and something else that I will announce at the end of this chapter, so please stick around to read it because I'm pretty pumped about it~!


The rules were simple.

1. Don't leave the house.
2. Only use the house phone to call Katsuki.
3. Don't go in the kitchen.
4. Don't make any noise.

She was hardly allowed to make noise when he was home, but Katsuki didn't want this newfound freedom to go to (Y/n)'s head.

(Y/n) sat on Katsuki's bed, watching him as he slipped on sweatpants and a tank. It was around 4 AM, and her wrists were already free of any restraints, which Katsuki was rather huffy about when going about his morning routine. He allowed her to sleep in the bed last night as a subtle reward for behaving when Kirishima visited, and a night curled up alone on the other side of a rigid yet welcoming mattress seemed to be as far as her prizes went nowadays.

Though, today would be her first day being able to wander the house freely — and without Katsuki's overbearing guidance. It would be a test run, he had said. If she messed up, he made it very clear he would make sure she remembered any mistake she made. Back in the restraints she would go, along with the addition of any other cruel and unusual punishment Katsuki was feeling like carrying out at the moment.

She waited patiently on the bed for her captor, watching as the muscles in his back tensed with each item he placed in his duffel bag. He always arrived at his agency dressed in casual clothing, packing extra workout attire in the bag. (Y/n) had never been with him, but she could only assume he warms himself up for the day in a personalized gym he requested be made. The prick probably has a routine to jog there each morning; his cars didn't look like he used them regularly. You don't buy an imported Ferrari just to drive it to work everyday.

It was uncomfortable to be sitting upright and free for a change, silence between the pair as Katsuki packed his bag. He glanced over at (Y/n) through the corner of his eye. She looked stiff, with her hands in her lap, almost like she was afraid to touch anything around her. He didn't understand why, he wouldn't get mad at her for moving around on the bed. He rolled his eyes away from her. He wasn't about to question it, it was much too early in the morning for him. Despite waking up this early for the past ten years, he was still not a morning person.

When he was finished packing, he made his way over to the side of the bed, looking down at (Y/n). She met his eyes silently, getting used to the idea of not speaking out of turn. Katsuki found that a little boring, though.

His hands moved to hold the sides of her face, and (Y/n)'s body tensed considerably as his thumbs swept over her temples.

"You're going to be good today, right?" His voice came out in a mumble as he stood over her, still tired. But, his message was clear. He wasn't asking her for her opinion, he was telling her that she will behave today.

Besides, what did he expect her to even answer with? If she blatantly said, 'No, I'm going to do everything illegal in the eyes of Katsuki under his roof while he's gone,' that wouldn't have gone over well, now would it?

(Y/n) swallowed and blinked, feeling Katsuki's hands on the sides of her face guiding her to look up at him. It seemed like a tender moment, but (Y/n) could see the way Katsuki's jaw clenched when she didn't answer right away. She eventually forced herself to nod. It took a little longer than he would've liked, but he still accepted it, his thumb brushing over her eyebrow. She was trying desperately not to pull her eyes from Katsuki's lazy gaze, overwhelmed by the intensity of his red irises, and he reveled in it. The dominance.

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