Chapter 20: Safe

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(Y/n)'s eyes never once peeled away from the screen, her leg beginning to bounce as she sat on the toilet. Her fingers hovered over the screen, toying with the idea of sending another text. Midoriya might not even be awake at this time, and a sinking guilt overcame (Y/n)'s gut. She shouldn't have sent that text. Katsuki's still in bed, sleeping and waiting for her to come back. Unaware. She should message Deku again and tell him it was a false alarm, that she was okay and safe. That's what she told him when she was sitting across from him. Like he'd believe that now. Maybe she should say she was just testing him to see how fast he'd respond. That wouldn't put a person as perceptive as Deku off her trail, though. Some fucking test that'd be, anyway.

She stilled, not even in the mindset to spare a blink. If she felt as guilty as she claimed to be, then why wasn't she even attempting to call Deku off? Her teeth pulled at the skin of her lip, fighting the urge to pace in the confined space of the bathroom that seemed cage her in. She didn't want to make noise and draw any attention to herself, just in case Katsuki was awake.

Midoriya began typing.

(Y/n) clenched the phone tight in her hands, her eyes bulging and her breath frozen.

He stopped typing.

Then he began once more.

(01:33) Deku : Where are you right now?


Izuku Midoriya sat up in bed next to his fiancé, Ochaco Uraraka, who was fast asleep. The only light in the room came from his smartphone, which glowed on his conflicted face. His first instinct was to call her, but after he calmed his initial fight senses, he thought rationally, deciding it best to text her instead.

He waited for her reply, staring at the screen and becoming hyperaware of the tension in every muscle of his body. Time seemed to move much too slowly, and Midoriya's jaw clenched. He swallowed. Uraraka stirred beside him, shifting closer to him.

"Deku," she groaned, and Midoriya spared her a glance as she wrapped an arm around his middle. He slinked away from her before leaving the bed altogether, and Uraraka embraced the cold sheets instead. She awoke a little more.

"Deku?" She questioned, sitting up slightly and squinting in the darkness. Midoriya ignored her, fixated on his phone at the moment.

(Y/n) sent him her exact location.


A child.

How could Katsuki handle having a child?

The initial shock would topple over itself, and then again once more, a sour reminder of reality each time he thought back to the pregnancy tests.

(Y/n) crawled back into bed, unaware of the wide-awake hero next to her. He turned, a heavy arm draping over her middle. Gentle and careful of the placement, and suddenly very much aware of the new life growing inside of her. His hand seemed larger now as it rest against her tummy. (Y/n) remained still and quiet, allowing herself to be cradled. Numbness consumed her lungs, as her previous actions weighed heavily on her mind.

"You 'kay?" Katsuki slurred, his chest rumbling against her back as he spoke. (Y/n) took a breath, feigning relaxation.


The bed shifted, and she felt him brush her hair over her shoulder, exposing her neck. His breath tickled her.

"We'll need to go to a doctor soon," he mumbled, the muted scent of beer on his breath fanning over (Y/n)'s skin. (Y/n) didn't answer. She simply stared ahead at the balcony window. Katsuki yawned.

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