Chapter 14: Thumping in Fondue

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Katsuki came home that night looking tired, finding (Y/n) waiting for him on the living room couch. He glanced at her as he placed his jacket on the coat rack, stepping out of his shoes and slipping his feet into some slippers instead. (Y/n) had gotten up from her place on the couch, carefully approaching the hero with a sullen look. She didn't know if he was mad at her or not, as their previous interaction before she left his agency earlier that day didn't exactly leave a good feeling in her stomach.

The way he looked at her wasn't out of anger, but it wasn't happiness either. It wasn't anything. He noticed she already bathed, which was fine; he honestly just wanted to take a quick shower tonight. Katsuki walked past her and trudged to the kitchen, stretching his arms over his head, and (Y/n) heard some of his joints crack.

"What you want to eat?" He asked. It was about 10:44 PM. This was usually the time they ate dinner together, and Katsuki had been inviting her in the kitchen lately. Everything felt strange to her. It was almost like her time in the closet had no effect on him, but it changed everything about (Y/n). She even looked at him differently. She normally would have resented him for being so nonchalant about the whole experience, but for some reason, she just wants to scream for him not to leave her again. The time she was alone in the penthouse felt like she was going to be swallowed up by the emptiness and the excess space. Walking home by herself was a nightmare, but she didn't have the guts to ask Katsuki to escort her. She knew being seen with her in the general public couldn't be good for his image any more than leading her out of his agency was. She didn't even want to imagine the amount of suspicion she already raised for the hero.

(Y/n) shrugged, half-forgetting his question as she felt her depressive wave flow over her once more. How many times was she going to pose as an inconvenience for him? Something in the back of her mind ached, telling her to break out of this self-deprecating habit before she fell too far down the hole, but it was as if her body was rewired, dominating any resistance she might have had. She watched from a distance as Katsuki leaned into the fridge, and he turned his head to look over at her, noticing her lack of response.

"What's up with you?" He asked, looking like he wasn't in the mood to deal with anything else more today.

The fact that you left me in a fucking closet for five days, the old (Y/n) would have spat. But, now, it was just stuck in her throat, not even threatening to spill out of the fear that overwhelmed her, the fear that he'd do it again, and she stared back at Katsuki. She opted for a shrug instead.

She didn't notice the tear rolling down her cheek, but Katsuki's eyes followed it, and he stood up straight, letting the fridge door swing shut as he stepped closer to (Y/n). His brow furrowed, and for a change, he wasn't scowling along with it. This time, it was... Concern. That happens sometimes when he's tired; there wasn't enough energy to keep putting up a mean front.

He placed his hands on her biceps, his thumbs rubbing over her skin soothingly. Different. "What's wrong?" Katsuki asked, his eyes scanning (Y/n)'s face as more tears started to flow down her cheeks. It was always weird when he asked this. What wasn't wrong? She sniffled, her face beginning to crinkle into something ugly. She felt embarrassed, as she usually does when she gets like this in front of Katsuki.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked quietly through her tears.

Katsuki tilted his head, his expression becoming more serious, expecting for her to admit to doing something wrong.


"Are you mad at me for not being pregnant?"

Katsuki stilled, and his thumbs ceased their movement on (Y/n)'s skin. He inhaled a breath as he stared down at her, her tears becoming a little louder at the change in Katsuki's demeanor.

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