Chapter 7: Unexpected Visitor

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(Y/n) didn't really know what came of their relationship after that.

She didn't act out as much, if at all, or deliberately try to piss Katsuki off anymore, and Katsuki somehow seemed nicer in response.

She felt pathetic. All it took was a spanking to break her.

Her despair may have been mistaken for compliance, but Katsuki wasn't about to complain either way. The house was peaceful again finally, just like before she arrived. He took the day off, intending to spend the time comforting her after her swats, but he instead found himself doing chores around the house, leaving (Y/n) to lay on the bed by herself in pain. He was restless like that. If just one thing in the house was out of order on his day off, he would spend the entire rest of the time making sure nothing else had a chance to be a mess.

(Y/n) watched him as he vacuumed the bedroom carpet, shirtless. The numbing cream and aloe vera on her rear wasn't doing much to lessen the raw sensation she felt. She hadn't seen it yet, but she knew it was bruised beyond belief. It just had to be. She attempted to shift in her restraints, trying to lay so she wasn't putting pressure on her butt. It resulted in an awkward position, but at least her burning skin didn't touch the bed. She watched Katsuki, the muscles in his back tightening with each of his movements.

"Can I help?" She suddenly squeaked. Katsuki looked at her over his shoulder with a raised brow before bending down to cut the vacuum off. He seemed to be contemplating it. If she dared to misbehave again, he could always repeat the actions of the night before; (Y/n) seemed have a different attitude now with a feasible punishment hanging over her head. He decided to give her a chance.

Katsuki sighed and made his way over to (Y/n). He unlocked her cuffs, placing the key back in his sweatpants, and watched as (Y/n) rubbed her wrists.

"Clean the patio windows," he grumbled. "I'll get you a rag."

(Y/n) looked over at the patio. Depending on what Katsuki had in mind, she would be able to step outside for a bit. Somehow, the idea didn't make (Y/n) excited as she stared blankly. Katsuki returned from the bathroom and tossed her a rag, which she sloppily caught. He handed her a spray bottle filled with glass cleaner and turned, heading back to the vacuum.

(Y/n) reached out for her crutch that sat by the bed and pushed herself to a stand. Katsuki, who was wrapping the vacuum's power cord up, kept his eyes on her. As intense as they were, (Y/n) didn't seem bothered. She didn't seem bothered by anything at the moment. Katsuki was wondering for how long was she gonna keep this mopey, sulky shit going. If she was trying to make him feel bad for last night, it wasn't working. She deserved it! She shouldn't have run away, she shouldn't have scratched his face, and she shouldn't have been so fucking ungrateful. Katsuki's gaze slowly turned into a glare as he recalled the previous night, and he had to take a breath to calm himself.

(Y/n), wincing as she hobbled with her crutch, no doubt from the bruises on her ass, slowly made her way over to the windows. She almost seemed as if she were on autopilot with one task set in her mind: clean the windows like Katsuki told her. Once at the sliding door, she stared out. The sky was clear today. The top floor really was silent. The noises of the city down below couldn't be heard, just the chirping of a few birds flying by. It made her isolation with Katsuki feel that much real. His hard stare into her back wasn't helping any. He was watching her every move, waiting for her to disobey. (Y/n) realized last night that she had no control over her life anymore. She did, though, have control over her actions. Somewhat, anyway. Her eyes were tired, and her tongue licked over her dry lips. Katsuki's waiting for her to misbehave. Katsuki is waiting for her to misbehave.

That's why she sprayed the glass cleaner on the door and began wiping.

This was a form of rebellion. That's what she was telling herself.

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