Chapter 12: Unavailable

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The reins Katsuki had on (Y/n) tightened, and she resented him further. No surprise there.

She was still permitted her job, and Katsuki reluctantly agreed to not blow up her phone as much, as it was something that didn't necessary benefit either of them, but the situation was noticeably still tense.

Work was slow at the moment. It being only her second day, (Y/n) was still tasked with mundane cleaning duties. She stared down absentmindedly at the floor as she mopped, only one customer sipping a coffee and working on their laptop in the far corner of the shop. The atmosphere was very tranquil, as the warmth from the small space heater on the counter was enough to fill the entire room and give (Y/n) a toasty embrace as she worked.

"Did you see Ground Zero's Instagram live last week??" (Y/n)'s attention was suddenly pulled into her coworker's casual conversation. Her mopping paused, but she kept her eyes to the ground.

"Yes, I did!"

"God, he has no business being that hot. I would give anything to just have five minutes of his time."

(Y/n)'s eyebrows furrowed at the statement, and she quietly began mopping again. However, her coworkers immediately took notice of how silent she was being, as it was rather strange for a woman to not have at least some input to make about the devilish Number Two Hero.

"Did you see it, (Y/n)?" One of her coworkers asked with a smile.

"No," (Y/n) answered much too quickly, causing the girls to stiffen and look at one another. They easily brushed off the interaction, as they often did when speaking to (Y/n), having convinced themselves that she suffers with extreme social anxiety.

(Y/n) didn't know what this feeling was, staring down at the floor as she mopped at the floor with a silent glare. Jealousy, maybe? The idea that Katsuki actually had a life outside of her rarely dawned on her. It was becoming evermore evident, though, that she only played a very small part in his world, while he regularly forced himself to be all that matters to her. A fool could see that was unfair. She gripped the mop handle tightly, glaring at the floor. Why should he get all of this fame, money, and power, when he's really an abusive, sexist, rapist? It was almost enough for her to wish for his Hero-dom to come crumbling down. If only her coworkers knew.

"'Don't get why girls are so obsessed with him. The guy's obviously an asshole," her one male coworker commented. (Y/n) slightly felt guilty; she hadn't taken the time to remember her coworkers' names, each of them only taking up minimal priority in her brain, probably similar to the amount she takes up in Katsuki's brain. The man practically had her trained not to acknowledge other people's presence in her life, and even Kirishima also fell victim to (Y/n) not remembering his name.

"Oh, have you met him or something?" A female coworker called out the guy. "How would you know that?" The guy opened his mouth, seeming a bit flustered as he stuttered.

"Well, haven't you seen how he interacts with his fans? He's always so rude to them, even the women! I'd never act that way if I was a top hero," he defended, but it fell upon deaf ears.

"Yeah, okay, white knight."

"H-Hey!" He then turned to (Y/n), who was now mopping the same spot of the floor over and over again, too distracted by their conversation to move onto another area. "(Y/n), who do you think would make a better Number One Hero: Ground Zero or Deku?" (Y/n) looked up and met his eyes, noticing the hopeful glint in them, one that said, 'Please help me out here.'

(Y/n) glanced between the three of her coworkers before answering, filling the silence that somehow was much more tense than it needed to be.

"Deku," she shrugged, dunking her mop in the soapy water and finally turning to begin mopping a different area.

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