Chapter 10: Shameless Pig

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Things were weird after that.

(Y/n) couldn't tell if she was angrier at Katsuki or more disgusted with herself. But either way, he began to look at her differently. She would still feel the light, accidental touches on her skin much after the contact ended, and his gazes seemed to linger on her for just a second too long at times. Sometimes, his stares felt rather expectant, like he was trying to communicate to her that he wanted to be sucked off, and (Y/n) was supposed to drop down on her knees and give it to him without a fight.

But, it'd been a few weeks since that incident, and he hasn't demanded her to do it again. Knowing him, he's probably waiting for her to do it without being asked. Almost to prove that she's been trained properly. But, things have been oddly calm. (Y/n) had in the back of her mind that she was working towards her promised job opportunity; odd, considering Katsuki's version of 'rehabilitation' wasn't exactly... Not working.

(Y/n) had built up an array of rewards for behaving over the months, but one in particular that she'd been choosing a lot lately was movie night. Their deal was if (Y/n) didn't throw a total of three temper tantrums during the week, she'd be able to stay up late on Friday and watch any movie of her choosing. She had only thrown two 'tantrums' this week (by Katsuki's standards), so she was currently laying, relaxing on the couch, swiping through movies on Netflix. Katsuki was generous enough to allow her to physically pick her own movie with no supervision; apparently, he trusted her enough to do that. She'd considered using the remote to hit him upside the head a few times and make a run for it, but then her movie privileges would be revoked, and she didn't really want that. He would catch her, it was inevitable. He made it very clear that he would always catch her. The act would essentially result in more negatives than positives: the positive would be Katsuki would get hurt, but on the flip-side, no more movies, and she'd undoubtedly face whatever punishment Katsuki felt like dealing out at the time. Katsuki made sure that (Y/n) was getting so many rewards that acting out just wasn't worth it anymore.

She had mostly recovered from her injuries now. Though, Katsuki told her that her knee would never be fully healed. He had said so with a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, but (Y/n) knew he was right. Knee injuries were extremely difficult to mend, and when someone messes up their knee, it almost always affects the person for the rest of their life. (Y/n) went grim at the thought, her glance shifting between her leg and the television. She then checked the clock. Katsuki should be joining her soon.

Katsuki would stay up with her during movie nights, if he could. He was normally exhausted by the time he got home and ready to crash on the first surface he landed on, but sometimes he managed to stay awake through half of the movie. (Y/n) found herself constantly trying to wake him up around the climax, 'so he didn't miss the best part,' and Katsuki would try to watch the screen through lidded eyes, humming in response. He wouldn't get upset at her for waking him during these times. It was her reward, she earned this. He didn't want to spoil it. Times like this made (Y/n) forget the dynamic they had. Though, the way she felt compelled to wake Katsuki up and tell him it was bedtime after the movie was over always made her remember. Her, a grown woman, telling a grown man that it was time for her to go to bed? (Y/n) felt herself getting trapped further and further in this lifestyle each time she committed to the act.

Tonight, they were watching a horror movie. Some cheesy film from the 80s, but still a classic. Katsuki came home a little later than usual (his work hours aren't exact), so they were running behind schedule. (Y/n) wasn't concerned about staying up later than normal, but she was somewhat anxious about how Katsuki would fare. She eyed him as she laid on the couch; he was doing his normal routine of checking everything around the house, making sure everything is in its place. He wasn't smiling. (Y/n) doesn't think she's seen him smile out a joy once.

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