Chapter 18: The Judge

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Katsuki tried his hardest to busy himself with meager tasks in the kitchen but his mother was just as quick-witted as him, if not more.

"Come out here and spend time with us. There's no point in moping around avoiding your family," the corners of Mitsuki's lips twitched upwards, and she sent a sidelong glance to (Y/n). (Y/n) didn't react. She didn't want to dangle any meat in front of the prowling hyena.

"I'm waiting for you to leave so I can relax," (Y/n) heard Katsuki reply, his tone honest and low as he looked through his fridge for the third time. Mitsuki sighed, turning away and looking back down at the photos spread out on the floor.

"Whatever. You'll regret being like this one day," Mitsuki jabbed, but Katsuki didn't answer. He and (Y/n) apparently had the same line of thought for a change, either not wanting to escalate the teases of an argument or simply not having the energy to invest in a family feud. Masaru was too busy trying to dig out a few extra photographs from his own wallet to comment on the exchange. (Y/n)'s gaze was fixed on the kitchen, and she rose from her spot on the floor, her feet moving on autopilot as she turned the corner to find Katsuki, now seeming to be looking through cabinets to find something to eat. Mitsuki's eyes followed her, and (Y/n) felt them — oh, she felt them — but her attention was preoccupied with her captor at the moment.

Katsuki winced each time he moved, and while his major injuries were mainly on his torso, (Y/n) knows there was a considerable amount of bruising on his legs from when he landed his fall before the paramedics found him. He saw (Y/n) approaching him, and he gave her a questioning look as she stood next to him.

"You need to lay down," (Y/n) told him. Her speech was almost robotic and unnatural; telling her caregiver a command instead of the other way around. It felt forbidden, like she just committed a sin, and the way Katsuki's eyebrows knitted together slightly made her even more insecure. Katsuki stared at her, his arm dropping down to his side as he closed the cabinet. His eyes didn't move from (Y/n)'s once, but neither did hers. The drugs dulled his glare, and (Y/n) might have been taking advantage of that just a bit. He had half the mind to reprimand her for speaking to him in such a way, but he corrected himself, reminding himself that she had only done so because of her concern for his injury. Good thing, too, as there was another set of eyes on the pair.

"So," Mitsuki interrupted as she stepped into the kitchen, leaning forward on the island with a smile. "When are you two givin' me some grandchildren?"

Both Katsuki and (Y/n) went still, but Mitsuki laughed. "I'm just kidding."

Katsuki turned, blinking away the roll of his eyes as he trudged out of the kitchen, a slight limp in his walk. "I'm going to bed. (Y/n), let me know when they're gone."

"I must've struck a nerve," Mitsuki sighed. "Can't seem to take a joke anymore."

(Y/n) wanted to say something. She'd been feeling off every time she was around Mitsuki, and she knew if the circumstances were different, if Katsuki had not kidnapped her, if she had not been humiliated, beaten, and raped by him, then she might've told Mitsuki she was in the wrong for talking to her son in such a way.

This is the woman who raised her captor, teaching him how to behave with her own actions of violence and malice. Masaru was a good man, but he's an enabler, allowing his son to become corrupted right under his own nose by his lover. (Y/n)'s hands clenched by her sides. If she wasn't careful, her anger would begin to be misplaced.

She didn't want the same fate as them. She was sure of that now.

Mitsuki noticed how (Y/n) hadn't moved from her spot in the kitchen, and she looked back to the girl.

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