Chapter 2: Home

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Ground Zero's grip on (Y/n)'s wrists twisted, shifting his hold on her and placing her back in the locked position she was previously, holding her arms together behind her with one hand. She felt Ground Zero's weight shift as he reached for his belt once more. The clang of metal was behind her and immediately knew she was being detained. The gravel felt rough against her chin as she grimaced, looking forward at the dark alley her and the hero were alone in. She felt like freedom was just a few more paces away — maybe if she had been faster, or just had a quirk...!

Who was she kidding.

Ground Zero was not known for his mercy. He was not known for his compassion. He was not known for his gracious nature.

He was known for his ruthlessness. He was known for his hostility. He was known as the symbol of strength, and by God, did it show by just how bruising his grip was on her arms.

The next thing (Y/n) felt was cold metal squeezing tightly around her arms. While she hollered in pain, she quickly realized that these weren't conventional handcuffs. Perhaps ones that only heroes use? She had no idea, she hadn't been in business with her team long enough to know the ins and outs of the villain world. From what (Y/n) could feel, the metal felt like multiple simple bands clasping her limbs together all the way down her arms. She didn't feel or hear Ground Zero messing with a lock of some sort, so she can only assume the metal was magnetic — and very strongly, at that. Her circulation was very quickly being cut off, and that certainly didn't help with her wrist injury. Her whimpering was getting on the explosion hero's nerves.

"Will you quit your fucking whining?" He yanked her up by her hair to a standing position. She couldn't reach up to pull her hair out of his grip due to the metal binding her, and so she settled on doing the one thing she knew she could do — cry more. That was the only thing he seemed to respond to, after all. Her face was scuffed and bruised beyond belief, her tears stinging her cuts along her cheek. She couldn't stand to her full height due to her injured ankle, which was finally starting present itself as a problem, seeing as though her adrenaline was leaving her bloodstream. She was beginning to mentally separate herself from the situation, which became increasingly difficult to do as she stared directly up at Ground Zero's piercing gaze.

This was when she realized just how small and insignificant he must see her as. He stared down at her through his mask, her hair still wrapped in his gloved hand, almost lifting her like a puppet on a string. Her sobbing slowly began to dissipate, seeing as though she was not getting a reaction out of him anymore. The only thing she received was a silent, disapproving stare. Almost like he was mocking her. He had to have been, right? What was all of this for, otherwise? Her scalp was beginning to go numb. Her once vibrant crying was dwindled down to soft hiccups, as she stared up at Ground Zero, scared stiff of what his next move possibly was.

"Now," he began once the hiccups were few and far in between, his voice quieter than before but no less threatening. "There's not gonna be another peep out of you until we're home." It wasn't a request. It wasn't even a humble demand.

It was an order.

One whose message came across perfectly without the need for yelling or curses. He stared down at (Y/n)'s wide, watery eyes, waiting for a response. How does he think she could respond like this? He twisted his wrist slightly to tighten his grip on her hair, and (Y/n)'s face scrunched up at the sheer pain that surged through her scalp. She found it in her to nod to the best of her abilities. It wasn't graceful in the slightest or even on her own volition. But it was either what Ground Zero had planned for her or prison. Neither option sounded desirable, and she'd much rather him just end her life now.

But, he's not the merciful hero.

He's the barbaric one.

He released her hair, letting the girl fall to her knees on the hard pavement. With her arms restrained behind her back, she had a distinct lack of balance, so she fell forward, her face hitting Ground Zero's thigh. He knelt down and lifted her over his shoulder with one arm. Detonating a continuous explosion, the pair was propelled roughly upward into the sky, causing (Y/n)'s stomach to drop from the gravity difference. (Y/n)'s face paled as she felt her upper body dangle over his shoulder looking behind them — and underneath them. If she was going to pass out, now's probably the time to do so. She felt her stomach lurch with each turn Ground Zero made, and each time he landed to get a better hold on her, her insides and injuries would ache from the air pressure.

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