Chapter 5: Finding Patience

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(Y/n) glared at the patio and pulled her body in closer to her — further from Katsuki. She would've appreciated the view from the window walling much more if she could stop the tears flowing from her eyes. The sheets were cold, foreign. Almost as if she were staying in a hotel. She sniffled lightly, which was apparently the wrong thing to do, as Katsuki's eyes shot open once more to stare at her back.

"Why're you cryin' now?" He sighed, sleep heavy in his voice. It came out as a distant mumble, but (Y/n) was just thankful that he allowed the distance between them for the time being.

She felt his weight shift on the bed, and she closed her eyes, preparing herself to deal with his overwhelming presence again. "Hey," his gravely voice muttered, much closer now. His breath was on her cheek, making her shut her eyes tighter. He was looking down at her, she could tell. She had to keep herself from cringing away when she felt a rough finger brush a strand of her hair behind her ear.

She heard him sigh once more through his nose and flop back down on the pillow — her pillow. His arm draped around her middle. He didn't hold her, he just laid it there, and (Y/n) realized that just the simple weight of his muscular arm was much heavier than she anticipated. She kept her eyes squeezed shut until she felt his breathing deepen and regulate, brushing against her nape.

Good things don't seem to last long in this house. If at all. Katsuki pulled her closer.

(Y/n) made a promise to herself that as soon as her injuries healed some, she would make her escape from this hell.


The pair quickly fell into a routine for the remainder of the week. However, Katsuki sat on the apprehension that his approaching work schedule would change everything soon.

Katsuki placed (Y/n) back in her restraints against the bedpost every morning, purposefully waking up earlier than her in order to move her sleeping body off of his bed and to the floor.

Being on the bed was a privilege. (Y/n) would be smart to remember that.

He and (Y/n) would do battle over breakfast, (Y/n) frequently dodging mouthfuls of food and sometimes refusing to swallow just to give Katsuki a hard time, resulting in him waiting oh-so patiently to feed her another bite.

Thus, breakfast quickly became a privilege, as well.

Katsuki actually began to eat meals with her, bringing his own dishes to sit in front of her with. He alternated between feeding himself and feeding (Y/n). Occasionally, (Y/n) cooperated, and even though she knew full-well that her food was drugged in order to keep her compliant and tame, she also knew that she needed nutrients in her body for her wounds to heal, so she ate what he fed her. Their meals were silent.

Bathroom visits were more frequent now, and (Y/n) was becoming immune to Katsuki's presence in the room with her. Even though Katsuki's bathroom was larger than average, it somehow still felt rather crowded with both of them in there together. Whether it was Katsuki's overpowering aura or just simply the body heat of two people, it seemed suffocating to be inclosed in a room with him. She still did not allow him to wipe her, and Katsuki allowed her that much at least. Their baths were very quiet, as neither of them know what to say to the other yet. He's the most gentle when they're in there, though.

"Katsuki," (Y/n) spoke up during one of their soaks, her voice cracking due lack of usage. Katsuki poured water over her shoulder, washing suds away.

"Hmm?" Katsuki hummed.

"Let me leave."


She wasn't allowed on the bed that night.

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