Speechless: Season 2 - 38

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Courtney's POV:
"You know, I don't expect much from you guys when I walk in every morning," Mrs. Smith, our History and Homeroom teacher stated as she looked up from her attendance sheet. Her round glasses fogged up whenever she exhaled but somehow still saw whoever was misbehaving during class time. "Like seriously, Owen, how many times do I have to tell you no eating in class?" She continued, now giving attention to her target.

"But Ms. Smith, I just got this new air fryer and I'm really hungry so I figured if I ate some wings now, it'll save you an extra five minutes of teaching without pausing to tell me not to eat my McDonald's in class."

I looked at the two then rolled my eyes. Then again, after thinking about my earlier encounter with Duncan's commitment issues side. I mean, why tell me you're ready to be with me then suddenly back out because we didn't "discuss it further?" I threw my head into my arms and closed my eyes.

"Yo Court!"
" ... haha her nickname is Court... your guilty!"
"Bridge, what are you doing,"
"I'm sorry, I got carried away.."
"Yea obviously... wait I think she's waking up,"

My eyes lit up as I saw Bridgette and Gwen hovering over me, they looked at each other as if they were arguing then back at me concerning. "What's going on?" I asked confused.

"Oh, you fell asleep in class and now it's ... time for third period—"

"I slept through two periods!" I shouted, cutting off Gwen.

"Kinda, Mr. Cupid's sick and they can't find anyone to cover him so everyone's just doing them, I told Bridgette to wake you up but I'm pretty sure she's high,"

"Yo ... my parents really named me 'Bridgette' like think about that man!" I heard the blonde say in the background.

"Gwen rolled her eyes and continued, "You ok? it looked like you really need that nap," she rested her hand into my palm.

"Well, after you guys told me to ask Duncan about.. you know, his change of behavior.. I kinda went to his house," I said. I smiled sheepishly and continued, "we started talking about stuff and one thing led to another and there we were, kissing."

Gwen looked at me with a face of shock, making me doubt my story myself. I rolled my eyes and smiled then went on, "We decided to admit to our feelings, and yes I like him, I really like him Gwen," .. "but now I don't know if he actually likes me because of what he said."

"Huh," she said taking it all in, "that's why you two were holding—"

"Yes," I said interrupting her obvious realization.

"And that's why you seemed so h—"


"Huh, well... fuck him." She said bluntly. I looked at the goth in confusion, which made her laugh.

"Courtney... you're the second most toughest person I've known, first of course my mother, who realized that she did not need a partner to be happy, she just needed to realize her self worth," she looked at me and continued, "you get what I'm saying?" She asked.

"Yea, I do." I smiled.

"Guys, I think we just talked through third period too," Bridgette said as she picked her head up from on the desk.

"Damn it Gwen, that's two classes, this is going to fuck up my college acceptance letters you know!" I said as I rose up and rushed towards the door.

"Well, Determined Courtney's back," I heard from under her breath. I smirked a little.

"Come on, let's go to lunch." I said as I looked back at them as they walked towards the door as well.

"Ok but since I'm so zooted right now, I should see if Chef's food tastes good when you're in a different world!"

"Ok Ms. Spiritual," Gwen and I said in unison as we walked through the halls.
Duncan's POV:
"What's it gonna be today boy?" Chef said as he held a ladle full of spaghetti and another full of beans.

Today was 'Spaghetti or Hotdogs day' because McClain wanted to show the school boards that we do fun school things every week at Drama High. I sighed, "Spaghetti," I stated.

"What's wrong with you?" Chef said in confusion, "I was expecting a little more pizzazz.." He continued.

"Sorry man, I'm not in the mood for our flirtatious banter," I said coldly, he placed the spaghetti on my plate and added a hotdog.

"You look like you need it," he said sadly.

"No, your cooking already makes me nauseous, don't make me suffer," I said giving it back to him and walking away.

"What's up with you bro?" Geoff asked as I sat down at the table. He grabbed a plastic spork and begun to chug down his lunch as if he wasn't rich and could afford much more than chefs 'How to' YouTube video lunches. "Chef didn't give you any of the good ghetti?" He continued, eating his share of spaghetti.

"Nah, just not hungry." I said turning my head to look around.

"Well?" I heard Gwen say from two seats away from me.

"No, it still tastes like ass," Bridgette said as she swallowed her food. I looked across from them to see Courtney scrolling through her phone. She threw her hand on top of her nose and begun to rub it, probably scratching it cause her nose always itched a little.

Her freckles aways seemed to appear darker whenever she does.

"Dude... Duncan!" I heard Geoff call out, making me take my eyes off of her. "Whats up with you man, you sure you're not thinking about your brother or..."

"No.. sorry man, I was just daydreaming about... going home and sleeping," I chuckled slightly, trying to seem less like a liar.

"We got two more classes dude and we're out of here." Geoff commented, making my lie into an actual conversation starter.

"It's just a free period and Gym anyways so I'm not stressing it,"

"Yea, at least with those two classes you won't get in trouble for doing some dumb shit in class," he said making us both laugh.

"You'd follow along with me though," I said remembering all the time we both got detention for each other's obnoxious behavior.

"Of course, we're bro's." Geoff said looking up in a train of thought."

"Uhm... are you two going to get up or make out?" Gwen said, making us both focus on what was really going on. I looked around as students got up and out of the cafeteria.

"Oh shit Gym," Geoff said as he stood up and grabbed his plate.

"Damn, today's going by fast as hell," I said under my breath.

I noticed that Courtney, who stood behind Gwen and Bridgette, was still glued to her phone and I started to rub the back of my neck.

"Duncan let's go," Gwen said now annoyed. I realized that I was blocking their path and rolled my eyes after letting her through.

"You could have went the other way pasty," I said looking at the end of the table.

"Bro that's a long ass walk."

"Hey Court..." I said ignoring Gwen and catching up to the brunette Latina as she walked away from me. "Look I'm sorry for earlier I wasn't—"

"Don't worry about it Duncan, maybe we were just... caught up in the moment, we kissed, that doesn't mean we should jump into a relationship," she said cutting me off. She looked at the floor, making me question what she was saying.

"Are you sure you mean all of that..." I asked .. hopeful of a no.

"... yea, well duh," she chuckled a little, "come on, you couldn't even decide whether or not we were... anyways, we just kissed, let's... just go back to normal." She replied, then leaving me alone in the cafeteria.


I'm back, season 2 finale is coming up soon for the students of drama high 💓

Also Mend My Elastic Heart Episode 1-4 is up on the Episode app 💓 go to my page and click the link to read the Episode story version of THIS Wattpad story 😫😩😋

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