Speechless - 16

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Gwen's POV:
Geoff wouldn't stop rubbing the back of his neck, he probably realized how awkward it was watching Courtney and Heather stare each other in anger as Duncan stood in between them, silent and unbothered.

"Duncan, did you forget you promised to take me out this weekend for helping you in social studies on Friday?" Heather said cockily eyeing me down.


"Well you did, it's ok if you forgot though. Just don't forget again for our next dates." She said cutting him off. She then grabbed his hand and dragged him off, after stating, "Let's get out of here, I don't like when people stare at me for no reason," while looking and smirking at Courtney.

Courtney, Bridgette, Geoff and I all starred at each other in disbelief. We all looked down at the short brunette who watched the two teenagers, Heather and Duncan, as she dragged him down the hall. She looked up at us and coughed. "Uh, What just happened?" Geoff asked, still shocked. Courtney rolled her eyes.

"Isn't it obvious? Duncan and his girlfriend are going out, so this triple date thing clearly won't happen." Courtney softly shouted at Geoff as he backed away slowly. She rolled her eyes and stated, "If I hear one more person mention Duncan and that skinny brat, I'm going to-

"Hey guys, you won't believe what I just saw." Trent said running towards us, "Duncan and Heather was—" We quickly covered our ears as Courtney marched off screaming, making the background cast look at her in terror. "Did I miss something?" Trent asked freaked out by her scream.

"Come on I'll fill you in," I said grabbing him by his button down plaid shirt.

"Is Duncan and Heather, really-?" I asked the blue eyed blonde who was left alone with me. He shrugged.

"As far as I know, Heather is repulsed by him. And he, well he's Duncan, he said interrupting me. I looked at the blonde and smiled shyly. He smiled.

"If they don't come to the triple date, can we still go out?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Wouldn't that be just a regular date?" I asked, not realizing what he meant. He chuckled and nodded his head, making me blush. "Oh.. yea, we can." I smiled.

"Come on let's get to class, You know how Mrs.Smith gets when we're late. We rushed off to to class as soon as we pictured the old hag yelling at us in front of everyone.
Gwen's POV:
"Look who finally showed up," I said watching Bridgette sit her things down as she herself sat next to Courtney and I. She wouldn't stop smiling hard though and it made me wonder, what happened between Geoff and her when Trent and I left. But I could only assume something pleasant by the way she kept staring at the kid who was sitting across from us alongside his two friends Trent who was strumming his guitar like always and Duncan who was carving something on the desk like always.

I accidentally stared at Trent for too long though because the fully headed guitarist smirked as soon as he noticed. My pale complexion made it worse because if I blushed, the whole world would know. My red cheeks blinded both Courtney and Bridgette who now looked at me.

Courtney sighed and looked down at her books, so I turned to look at Duncan, who was still carving things into the desk. Then I turned to look at Heather who was starring at Courtney angrily. "What's the deal with you and Heather? She seems to hate you more than she hates me and LeShawna, and she HATES us," I asked the brunette who scribbled into her notebook.

She looked up at Heather who now smiled at her then blew a kiss at Duncan who rolled his eyes. She starred at her notebook blankly and chose to not speak. 

Courtney's POV:
She's only doing it because she thinks Duncan and I have a thing going on. Even though we don't! And Duncan is just allowing her to use him to get under my skin, Even though she's not!

I couldn't answer Gwen's question. Heather was one of the worst things in my past, she was a pest, and reminding myself and everyone else that she was, wasn't going to help me move on.
Class ended quickly today since Mrs.Smith decided that we should watch a documentary but took almost the whole class period trying to work the computer with no help from the students. Everyone scurried out the door as soon as the bell rang except of course the main characters in this story.

Heather walked towards me and smirked as soon as I noticed her. As soon as I saw her I was a little shocked and provoked, but irritated by her presence. She rolled her eyes.

"Just wanted to remind you that you can't have Duncan, cause he's mine now," she said cockily before sashaying away. I crossed my arms and grunted.

"Why do everyone think I want that reptile!" I uncontrollably shouted. He looked at me shrugged.

"I've been called worse," he replied before walking out of the room. Leaving Bridgette, Gwen and I alone with the teacher, who was finally figuring out how to work the computer.

"Come on, they're obviously not dating, and Duncan is probably just going along with it cause he likes when you're angry," Bridgette stated, trying to calm me down. Gwen crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"Want me to get LeShawna on her?" She asked bluntly. I could feel her hoping that I'd say yes, but unfortunately for her, I learned how to fight my own battles. And if it's a game Heather wants, it's a game Heather will get.

Duncan's POV:
"Why are you telling people to keep their hands off me cause I'm 'yours'?" I asked the skinny Asian standing before me. She rolled her eyes at me, making me roll my eyes at her back. "Just because you're hot doesn't mean I can't have anyone I want, including Courtney." She looked at me and yawned.

Summer is here and so are more stories, should I also update Orientation? (Say no 😂🏃🏾‍♀️)

3 likes and I'll update tomorrow 😍

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