Speechless - 27

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Courtney's POV:
I looked up to see a tall pierced kid standing by the dining room doorway with a facial expression clearly stating that he was ready to sit down and get this dinner over with. He rolled his eyes after his fathers introduction of him and begun to speak before stopping mid sentence when he saw me.

To be honest, i was as shocked as he was. Who the hell would have guessed Duncan was the offspring of George and Elizabeth. "Fuck," he said under his breath but loud enough to be heard.

"Duncan, language!" His mother yelled, making me come to a realization that he was actually standing in front of me and I wasn't hallucinating. "Sit down, so we can eat, why are you just standing there?" She asked him. He walked to the table not taking his eyes off of me. I knew because ... my eyes were stuck on him as well.

"Great the losers here, can I eat now?" His little brother said trying to reach for the bowl of Mac and cheese. Lucy chuckled. His mother and father looked at him angrily. "What?" He asked confused.

"So, Courtney, how have you been adjusting to the move?" Elizabeth asked as she shared a bowl of salad around. I looked around to see her family starring at me waiting for me to speak. I tried... I panicked.

"Everything's been good as of right now, you know teenagers never like moving around but I think Courtney's actually liking it here for once," Lucy said taking over for me. I sighed a breath of relief. Elizabeth looked at Lucy awkwardly as if she offended me, I felt bad but what could I do about it?

"That's great to hear at least, and I hope school isn't causing you any trouble, I hear some states teach different subjects than the ones here, I hope you're not struggling to keep up with your class work due to the change of learning atmosphere ," George said continuing the conversation.

"...Yea, Im doing pretty well, Drama High isn't as challenging as my old school was so I'm adjusting fine," I replied calmly to the man. Everyone's eyes wasn't plastered on me so I was able to think clearly and speak out now.

"Drama High?" Elizabeth asked intriguingly, "Why that's where Duncan goes, I'm sure you two have seen each other around or held classes with one another." I turned to look at Duncan who sat next to me, but his eyes continued to stay on the floor as he played with his food angrily. "Duncan?" she asked the teen.

"... We do, I was actually surprised to see him here tonight," I said trying to not have her yell at him again. Though I didn't care. I shouldn't care.

"Oh, it's just like old times when you two would always find a way to be together," she said as she smiled. The blue eyed kid and I look at each other and back at the woman.

"Old times?" He asked coldly. I was confused as well.

"Yea, back when you two were kids Courtney would always stick behind you whenever we visited, I believe I still have some photos of the two of you," she said as she ate her food. "It was quite cute to be honest, seeing you guys together even though you guys would always argue with one another."

Duncan and I looked at each other confused. We knew each other?!

Dinner continued with the adults talking amongst each other about past, present, and future events. I sat on the couch in the living room with Adrian who continued to pester me about how his older brothers are losers.

"...Im serious they don't even clean after themselves, but me? Baby I'm a package deal," he said as he dusted himself off. I smiled.

"Cute, you're going to make one girl happy one day," I said to the kid.

"Babe please, I can't be tied down, just last week I had to dump Leslie for Amber because Amber got boobs, boobs are a big deal in my grade you know, if you don't have one you're basically an outcast," he said rolling his eyes.

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