Speechless - 24

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Authors POV:
The week quickly went by for the towns people in Muskoka. But still, Friday would be a better start to the weekend if there wasn't any classes to attend, according to Duncan that is. The seventeen year old slipped his new prized possession into his book bag after skipping 3 days of school just by coughing a few times in front of his caring mother.

"You're really going to let me go—"
"Yes Duncan. You're going to school today and you're going to pay attention and not cause any trouble," his mother said cutting him off for the 7th time this morning.

"I let you stay home this week because I knew you weren't going to be that busy with classes since your teachers are attending professional development classes but that's it," she continued making her third child roll his eyes.

"You're killing me Ma." Duncan glared at the blonde as she packed up her daughter and her bags for today.

"how sweet, now go to school," she replied softly. The kid rolled his eyes as he grabbed his keys and headed towards the door. "Excuse me!?" his mother softly shouted as she watched him walk away from her.

Duncan angrily rolled his eyes and poked his head back through the door he just exited out of, "I love you," he replied. She smiled widely and crossed her arms.

"As much as I love you too, that's not what this is about," she looked at a familiar framed photo she had placed by the tv. "You know it's almost his—"

"I'd really love to talk about this but I'm running late mom, bye." Duncan quickly exited the house, avoiding any new conversation about his best friend.

"I love you sweetheart, drive safely!" His mother shouted at him as he revved up the engine on his motorcycle.

Fifteen minutes later
Duncan's POV:
"Dude!" I heard as a tall blonde man walked towards me with his hands in the air. I quickly smirked and returned the gesture as we did our handshake. Geoff crossed his arms with a smile as he opened his book bag and showed me what he had in it.

"Sick—, sorry I couldn't help this week, you know I was sick." I said taking some of the money he was handing me.

Geoff rolled his eyes and replied. Yea, 'sick'." He looked around before continuing, "just make sure I'm not the only one doing the dirty work all the time, you know this is a team effort."

I rolled my eyes this time and smirked, "you know we a team don't start with that now bro." I quickly gave him a fist bump then put my cut into my wallet.

"So you down to make a sale tomorrow?" He asked looking down at his phone when he heard a text message go off.

"Can't, according to my dad, we're having a nice family dinner with some company." I rolled my eyes, remembering Tuesday's nights lecture with my dad:


"Yes, George?" I replied to my father who barged into my room.

"I'm choosing to ignore that, just letting you know that we're having company over this weekend, no parties, no Geoff, and definitely no going out, this guest is very important to me." I rolled my eyes as the old man rambled on about my chaotic behavior, featuring Geoffrey.

"Yea whatever, fine." I continued my match on my game console. I felt his eye roll without even looking at him.

"Make sure you don't wear ripped jeans please." He continued before closing my door and exiting. I looked back at the doorway before thinking.

"Important to him?" I asked myself.

"Bro maybe he's introducing you to his new family." I rolled my eyes, forgetting my mic was on and Brody's idiotic ass heard our conversation.

"Well when you're done with that text me,  I'll leave some for you to do," Geoff continued.

"Whatever br—"

"What are you two talking about?" Bridgette asked cutting me off. I rolled my eyes at the green eyed blonde who walked up to us before noticing her hot friend standing by her.

She looked at me angrily almost as if I ruined her mood without even doing anything. Then I remembered, Heather. I rolled my eyes as I closed my locker and walked away from the new conversation Bridgette started.

"Try not to wear jeans with holes in them Friday!" Geoff shouted as I was walking away. I rolled my eyes, both and him my fathers obsession with my sense of style baffles me.

Do I even own non ripped jeans, on another note, I had to find Heather and let her know I was done being her bitch. Unless I get something sexual out of it of course.

Courtney's POV:
"Again, what were you two talking about?" Bridgette asked intrigued. Geoff smirked and put his arms around his new girlfriend. Yea, girlfriend. I guess he finally grew balls to ask the girl out one Tuesday night.

Gwen and I looked at each other and gagged. Relationships, who needs them?

We watched the 'cute' couple hold hands as they walked in front of us to class. Sweet as it is finally seeing Bridgette being with the person she undoubtedly dreams about, it better not get too out of hand, I rather not watch them suck each other faces off like Tyler and Lindsay.

"Have you guys heard from Trent at all this week?" Gwen asked unsubtlety. The goth looked around in hopes of reuniting with her secret crush but saw nothing but background casts walking through the halls.

"He said something about visiting our hometown where our grandfather you know..." Bridgette replied tensing up on her last line.

"It's ok Bridge, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," Geoff said comforting his girlfriend. Gwen sighed sadly, missing her new favorite person.

I looked at the 3 people before me unsure of what to say. Hearing that Trent and Bridgette lost their grandfather when they were younger angered me. I had no idea why but it did.

"So, you never told me about that but expected me to openly talk about my lack of communication to you guys as if I couldn't be there for you like you've been there for me!?" I shouted.

I had no idea why I was screaming, I had no control over it honestly but I just had to do it. It was wrong for them to treat me like a special kid they had to take care of.

"I didn't think you would—"

"No you thought that making sure I'm ok is more important than making sure you're ok," I said interrupting her. "I could have comforted you just like you've tried to with me. I could have been there for you, but it's always take care of Courtney, she's special, she needs extra attention."

I rolled my eyes as Bridgette looked at me shockingly.

"Screw this, and honestly, just because I have issues doesn't make you my nurse aid, I could have at least tried to be there for you, 'best friend'" I shouted lastly before walking away angrily.

Screw them. I'm not crippled, I have emotions, just because it's hard for me to express myself doesn't mean I can't be there for you like you're constantly there for me.

"Don't you think you're overreacting princess?" I heard a raspy voice ask.

Forgot I was updating today I'm sorry 🧚🏾‍♀️
This chapter was lengthy 🤪 I'm trying to add more drama and suspense to my story 💃🏾 ignore these paragraph I'm just tryna use these emojis 🤗

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