Speechless: Season 2 - 41

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Courtney's POV:
I thought back on how Duncan grasped on to my fingers as he pushed me on those old tired swings. I also thought back on how familiar those swings looked as well but before I could think more deeply about it I was in front of my house.

I snuck back into my my bedroom through the window I left open by the empty hallway where we kept everything that reminded us of my mother.
Lucy thought it would be best if we put it away after I broke down when my father blamed me for her death back when he first was released from the hospital.

I begun packing my clothes out of my closet when I saw a book fall from a pile of balled up blankets I had over the year. When I picked it up I saw photos of a younger me and a man that looked like Duncan if he was a young adult.

"Duncan?" I asked myself while looking at a photo of two kids arguing over a swing that looked awfully familiar. My memory brought me back to a young girl and boy spending every minute together while looking through the photo album from my eight year old childhood. "But why is it so hard to remember it really happening?"

"Duncan's a wonderful child Elizabeth, you did not fail that boy don't say that!" I overheard Lucy saying as I was creeping past her door with my load of clothes. I stopped when I heard his mother sniffle.

"I wish he'd stop blaming himself for Mateo's death and finally let us help him heal," she said over the phone. I huffed and walked away.

Author's POV:
When Duncan snuck back in to his room he threw his bag on his bed and begun to fil it with essential items for his travel. He than sat with it.

He ran his fingers through his hair as he leaned back to lie down for bit to think. Then sighed as he looked at his phone lock screen.  A photo he took of Courtney when they were kids.

He quickly got up and jumped out of his window once more, this time not caring whether or not he was seen and headed directly towards the park to see Courtney.

Gwen's POV:
"Gwen can you get your fat ass panties off the bathroom floor, I'm just trying to enjoy a hot shower." Henry, my brother said as he barged into my room. Walking into a shirtless Trent standing in front of me. "Why is Trent and his scrawny arms in your room?" He continued now watching him stand awkwardly.

"Get out of my room you weirdo!" I said as I pushed him towards the hall. I rolled my eyes embarrassed that he blurted out personal information about my panties.

"I'm telling mom," he said now angry.

"Please, mom's too busy entertaining her date to listen to what your weird ass has to say," I said now crossing my arms.

"She's going to care when she sees him," he cleared his throat and continued, "Mom!" He shouted out.

"Will you relax, Trent's just modeling for my art piece." I said, now rolling my eyes.

"Yea right, he was bouta pay you to eat it from the back,"

"You're 13, what do you know about girls getting ate from the back?" I asked disgusted and curious.

"I'm a grown ass man." He stated proudly. "And I never said the guy does it."

"You're disgusting." I retorted.

"Hey, you're the freak here, I'm just trying to accept your lifestyle."

Author's POV:
Duncan saw a purple ribbon and a piece of paper held down by a heavy rock sitting on a bench after he searched the park for Courtney.

After reading what was said, he crumbled up the paper and tucked the ribbon she used to wear as a child into his pocket and ran off after being sent to voicemail numerous times.

"What do you mean she's not here?!" Lucy screamed as Clifford and her bickered back and forth. They had been looking for the seventeen year old for thirty minutes after realizing she wasn't in her mothers room again, looking through her old outfits.

Clifford grabbed the phone as Lucy hurried to the door after hearing a sudden knock. "Nelson, is my daughter with that damn boy of yours?"

"Uh.. Clifford.." Lucy said as she and that 'boy' both stood in his presence.

"I know where she went, but we have to get there before she leaves." Duncan said softly while trying to hold back his tears.

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